
How to do this modification to calendar,css & submit button

soamz 18 Aug, 2009
Hi there..
Have a look at here,
ao lot nam, quan lot nam, do boi tre em, do ngu, do ngu nu, rbi, narsis, do so sinh, do so sinh cho be, quan ao so sinh, ban buon quan ao, thoi trang cong so, ban buon quan ao, do lot[/url]
You can see 2 buttons, SUBMIT PRESS RELEASE.
Just click on both of them and see what happens.

First form is form styled as per my client's need.

Second form is the Chronoforms form.

I just want to style my ChronoForms form just like my first form ?? 😟
Is that possible ? πŸ™„

And also, if you check this,

It has as date picker calendar. Can I just style the date picker in my chronoforms to this date picker style ?? πŸ™„

Also, I need to change the submit button to my image..

Let me know asap please. Then I have to buy license for 5 sites for this client. He is waiting for me😟
soamz 18 Aug, 2009
ANother important question :

I have put this form of chronoform via JCE popup class..

I have placed it by putting &tmpl=component . So,it works cool till the form is submitted, but after the form is submitted, then tank you message appear with the whole webpage , inside that lightbox only 😒 😒 😒

Any trick, by which it will also a clean thank you message ??
soamz 18 Aug, 2009
ANY HELP ??? πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„
GreyHead 18 Aug, 2009
Hi soamz,

Create an html page outside Joomla and have the form redirect to that on submission.

soamz 18 Aug, 2009
Bro, I did the submit image myself.

For redirection, I will try creating a html page..

I have other doubts, which are still unanswered..

Can you please help bro ??

All I need to do now is change the form layout and style a bit..

Here is my chronoform, [attachment=1]chronoform.png[/attachment]

Here is my php form, done by other developer , [attachment=0]php form.png[/attachment]

I just want to make my chronoform layout like this php form. I mean, field title on top and long field on its bottom. Just as it appears on this php form.

And I want to edit the field title colours.

And I want to change the calendar image for now.

for calendar css,I will convince the client,not to think, as im finding it difficult ,as i wasted my whole day in this :? :? :?

soamz 18 Aug, 2009
Another problem..

My form is on lightbox. I have a upload form.
It has only PDF allowed. But if i upload a zip file, then on SUBMITTING the form, the error messages come with the full webpage inside that lightbox.😟:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Is there any fix to this ??
soamz 18 Aug, 2009
No help. 😫

I had to do everything myself now.
Just one thing.

in the lightbox, if we upload a non-allowed file, and then the form is submitted, the error message comes with the whole webpage inside that lightbox. Its stinking a lot. Please help, BOB! πŸ™„
GreyHead 19 Aug, 2009
Hi soamz,

No help . . . I had to do everything myself now.

Sorry about that - its just that I have this silly habit of sleeoping at night :-(

I an only see one button . . . so can't answer that question.

The calendar on the Submitevent page is the standard Joomla one (the Dynarch calendar); not the Aeron one that Max uses in ChronoForms.

You can switch to the other calendar if you add the code manually.

GreyHead 19 Aug, 2009
Hi soamz,

Hmmm not so easy. I think that you'd have to hack the core ChronoForms code. Perhpas some JavaScript to check the suffix on the file path???

There probably needs to be an option for ChronoForms to reshow the form with the tmpl=component url. Not quite sure how to do that.

soamz 19 Aug, 2009
Ah, thats sad..
Cant we have a real time file extension validation rule, as it happens for all other fields ?

How hard is that ??😒 😒 😒 😒 😒 😒
soamz 19 Aug, 2009
:cry: Any fix ?
GreyHead 19 Aug, 2009
Hi soamz,

No, but do let us know if you write one.

soamz 19 Aug, 2009
Can we just take some AJAX File Upload open source script and integrate to chronoform ??
How hard is that ??

The client has no budget for this, so I have to look for free solutions only :?
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