
PayPal Form Examples

kslark 13 Aug, 2009

I'm searching for Form examples that forward the data entered by the purchaser to PayPal. I don't have registration or a cart, its for donations only, the amount is to be specified by the donor. I haven't found any searching the site, am I just looking in the wrong places?

Thanks for your assistance!

GreyHead 16 Aug, 2009
Hi Kevin,

You can use the ReDirect Plugin to do this, there are several threads about it.

Or, there's a simple PayPal module on my site that you can use for donations.

iamdavinci 24 Aug, 2009
Hey Bob,

Just an FYI - the link in your signature brings you to a page that no longer has your extension at

I wanted to vote for it but it goes to a blank page.

Bob aka iamdavinci
GreyHead 25 Aug, 2009
Hi Bob,

Thanks, Max is working on getting re-listed . . . hopefully sometime soon.


PS I will update my sig when I have a few minutes.
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