
Setup emails will not enable

pclc 12 Aug, 2009
I set up a ChronoForm and it worked great.

Now I'm trying to set up another, but when I get to the "Set up emails" section, I cannot get it to turn green or enable. Same fields as before: "To, Subject, FromName, FromEmail" ... what could possibly be wrong?

Thank you!
GreyHead 12 Aug, 2009
Hi pclc,

Should be Ok if you have valid entries in each field - all strings in this case. Can you post a screen-shot of the Email Setup?

pclc 12 Aug, 2009
pclc 12 Aug, 2009
I've started over several times and tried different browsers and another computer. No luck.

Do I need to re-install the application?
GreyHead 13 Aug, 2009
Hi pclc,

They all go in the *same* pink box, not each in a separate one. Please check the Emails tutorial from the Tutorials link above.

pclc 13 Aug, 2009
A classic case of computer brain ... too tired to process what I was seeing: the tutorial! I'm embarrassed but relieved and I sure did smile when I got your response!

ChronoForms works great and the tutorials are clear also. Thank you so much!
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