
MooTools Requirements?

enounce 12 Aug, 2009
Is it documented somewhere what Mootools options are required for ChronoForms?

I (like many others) was having a problem with IE7 crashing and much of the forum topics on VirtueMart and Joomla were pointing at Tooltips in Mootools. I followed the advice of one poster and upgraded Mootools for the front end components of the site. Initially this broke the class="modal" option which I fixed by including the right packages in the Mootools builder.

I didn't notice right away but I think that's when Chronoforms stopped working. The css and js would not load. Even the custom styles and js that I added to the Form code tab.

I found a post on this forum where the user had a similar problem with css and js and upgrading to the latest chronoforms solved it so also tried that and thought it fixed the problem. Now the form looks right but none of the js validation is functioning and even though my server side validation is working and sending the user back to the form, the error message in the pink box does not display and the form is not preloaded with the info like it was before.

I wonder if there is something missing from my Mootools that Chronoforms requires.

One more note:
In the javascript consol, I see this error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: $ES is not defined
Line 113: components/com_chronocontact/js/customclasses.js

This is the ChronoTips class. Not sure if that is the cause of my current problem or not.
GreyHead 12 Aug, 2009
Hi enounce,

I'm not sure what 'MooTools options' are - ChronoForms runs with off-the-shelf MooTools 1.1 as distributed with Joomla.

There are no general problems with IE7 tooltips that I know of. Usually they result from a conflict with something else on the page. We have seen some problems with MooTools and IE8 that can usually be fixed by running in IE7 conpatibility mode.

enounce 12 Aug, 2009
Hi Bob,
Thanks. I didn't have any problems with Chronoforms and mootools crashing IE7 but the issues have been discussed quite extensively in other forums. Here are just a few forum threads. The issue has something to do with the Mootools Tooltips in 1.1.

I followed a suggestion in this post to upgrade Mootools to 1.2 for the front end leaving the backend alone.

In doing so, I broke something with the slimbox modal window so I had to do a similar fontend only for slimbox. On the slimbox website they listed these requirements:
Slimbox 1.7 requires the MooTools framework, version 1.2 or more recent. Because MooTools is modular, you can make your download smaller by only downloading the modules your scripts are actually using. Here are the core modules required by Slimbox:
Native: all
Class: all
Element: all
Utilities: DomReady
Fx: Fx.Tween, Fx.Morph (optionally Fx.Transitions)

On the Mootools Core builder page there are many options to choose from:

That's why I think maybe I didn't get all the options I needed for Chronoforms.
GreyHead 12 Aug, 2009
Hi enounce,

ChronoForms uses MooTools 1.1 - the Joomla standard and will not run with 1.2. That's probably why you are seeing the error.

As far as I remember it uses just the core module from 1.1 (but it doesn't really matter as it uses the standard Joomla installation package).

Mootools 1.2 is much nicer!! but not compatible with Joomla (I think there is a problem with the image caption code). You can try the 1.2 compatibility pack but I don;t think that will help.

enounce 12 Aug, 2009
Thanks Bob,
I guess it's back to the drawing board. I think my IE7 is not related to the tooltip issue described in the Joomla forum but related to this function in /libraries/joomla/html/html/behavior.php around line 175. IE7 and "domready" don't seem to like each other.

window.addEvent('domready', function() {


$$('".$selector."').each(function(el) {
el.addEvent('click', function(e) {
new Event(e).stop();
GreyHead 13 Aug, 2009
Hi enounce,

I'm not at all sure what's happening. 'domready' works OK with IE7 - but it is a MooTools function so will only work if MooTools is loaded before it is called.

drM 29 Feb, 2012
After 4 days trying to figure out what is going on with Chronoforms drag n' drop bug, I came to a halt, the problem comes from the use of SqueezeBox. If for some reason squeeze box crashes the all system of drag and dropping colapses. I still didn't had the time to take a closer look on the files just to find how to disable the system or to go arround it. If anyone has the solution please reply.
GreyHead 29 Feb, 2012
Hi drM,

That's all true but what is the problem? Do you have something running on your site that regularly breaks Squeezebox?

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