
Redirect to Paypal for payment

sLaV 10 Aug, 2009

I've been searching around the forum but am still stumped on this - I have created my form and all looks good - now from here all I need to be able to do is store the registered user to the jos_users table (which I think i've setup already) and then redirect the user to Paypal to pay for a subscription to the site.
I've checked my form and selected the "Redirect plugin" to the left ... then in the redirect URL i've placed the Paypal URL as well as adding additional fields in the "Extra Fields data" text area under the General tab (here i've added the hidden fields required for Paypal (e.g - "cmd", "business", "currency_code", "item_name" and "amount"))
When I goto view the form on my site i don't see the form being redirected to Paypal nor do I see the additional fields I entered ... can anyone provide me with a link to some documentation on how I can get this going?
I tried going through this example:
but this is using the Paypal API plugin - I need to redirect my users to the Paypal site to make a payment ... then redirect them back to my site upon payment.

ANY help is highly appreciated.

GreyHead 10 Aug, 2009
Hi sLaV,

My guess is that the plugin probably isn't enabled on the Plugins tab.

sLaV 10 Aug, 2009

Hi sLaV,

My guess is that the plugin probably isn't enabled on the Plugins tab.


Hi Bob,

Wow speedy response🙂
This is where I got a little confused ... in the plugins tab ... this is how my setup looks:

have i got it around the wrong way? is a plugin enabled when it has a green tick and a red box (as my top plugins have) ... or is it enabled when it has a red cross and a green box (the bottom plugins) ?? ... do i have it around back to front here?
GreyHead 10 Aug, 2009
Hi sLaV,

It is confusing - and lurid!

The green bars are enabled and the red ones not. (The little icons represent the action I think - but are misleading).

As a general rule only enable the plugins you are using with this form, they can trip over each other.

sLaV 11 Aug, 2009

Hi sLaV,

It is confusing - and lurid!

The green bars are enabled and the red ones not. (The little icons represent the action I think - but are misleading).

As a general rule only enable the plugins you are using with this form, they can trip over each other.


Ahhh bob you sir are a legend🙂
Just one more (i promise) question ... Are there any guides on how to implement extra fields to the registration?
In my form for user registration I have details like "Date of Birth", "Gender", "Occupation" / etc ... I used the Chronoforms "Table Manager" and edited the jos_users table by adding these extra fields to the database table ... now when I goto add the "Joomla Registration" plugin to the form it only allows me to sync up the email, username and password to my table ... Do I have to hack this somehow to include these extra fields I need to sync up??

Thanks again
GreyHead 12 Aug, 2009
Hi sLav,

Whilst you can add extra fields to the jos_users table that's generally considered bad practice (as is hacking or amending any of the core code or tables). It makes your site potentially harder to upgrade in the future - it's all too easy to make little tweaks and then forget about them until you upgrade or transfer and the site breaks.

There are two ways that I know of to add extra user values. One is to create a new table - jos_users_extra say. If you add a DB Connection to this in ChronoForms the extra data will be saved there - you'll need to have an id field to link the new table to the jos_users table.

The second works for simple data - you can add extra parameters to the user params - they usually include site language, time-zone, etc. (the content you see in the Parameters block in the User Manager). The code here is extensible and you can add extra parameters. In a recent project I needed to record gender and added a gender=m / gender=f parameter successfully.

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