
ReCaptcha on but not working

dsmflash 10 Aug, 2009
I have my ReCaptcha code in my form and its enabled, but the only thing showing on frontend is {ReCaptcha} text.

I turned the Chrono CAPTCHA back on, so a link to the from wouldn't do much good. I don't understand why ReCaptcha is so hard to use with Chrono, but like it better.
Max_admin 12 Aug, 2009
Hi dsmflash,

are you sure that captcha is "configured" then config saved then enabled under the plugins tab ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
dsmflash 13 Aug, 2009
yeah, enabled, code inserted in form. i duplicated exactly what i had in another form.
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