
Saving to DB problem

augustobotossi 09 Aug, 2009
Dear all,

I will try to simplify or you guys will fall sleep:

1- I have been working in a project related to travel orders, where users can create a pre-order that has to be verified prior to the creating of a voucher. The employees of that agency go through the CC admin view to check the pre-orders and have the ability to change their status. There is a field called STATUS that can be changed to different options. When the VOUCHER option is set and the record is saved, I wrote a script that add a certain amount of points to the user that created the pre-order. Here I encountered my first problem: the script is working when I press the APPLY button in the CC admin view, but when I press the SAVE button, the record is changed but the points are not added.

2 - Because of the problem I am having, I decided to update the CF and CC components in my website and everything went smoothly. My data wss kept and everything looked fine. But now, when I try to save, apply or cancel the editing of a record in the admin view of CC (and in my understanding this is performed now with CF natively), I am forwarded to the Joomla Control Panel and the data is not saved.

Could someone help me with that? If it is necessary, I can provide a admin user and password for my website.


menchee 10 Aug, 2009
I encounter similar problem, but it is not consistence.
Some records are updated, some aren't.
If I login as a different user (and privilege), the record does update.
I'm still playing with it to find a common denominator and meanwhile, since the site is already live, I use phpMyAdmin to overcome stubborn records...

GreyHead 10 Aug, 2009
Emanuel and Augusto,

Sorry, I'm not sure what is happening here. I'll try and find time to explore the admin side of the latest releases. At the moment I'm just using front-end CF forms for admin and blocking them to non-admins. Though there's another bug with saving forms with $mainframe->redirect() . . . in the code.

augustobotossi 10 Aug, 2009
Thank you both for your replies!


I will give a try with another user.


As usual, thanks for the support.

Max_admin 12 Aug, 2009
Hi, maybe its the CC version ? try the new RC3

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
augustobotossi 13 Aug, 2009
I have just one thing to say about this:


Everything is working now!

Thank you very much!


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