I am writing a complex display so I write a seperate page for displaying data. However, I borrow ChronoConnectivity for edit existing data with the edit link plus GET variable
However, problem happen when I click on edit link for my data, for example
I get this error
however, if I open the original CConn (/index.php?option=com_chronoconnectivity&connectionname=edit_mauhai) before click on edit link, the edit now go normal.
This is really matter because my user can not press original link everytime they want to edit data.
Please help me, this is so urgent
Thanks alot
I am writing a complex display so I write a seperate page for displaying data. However, I borrow ChronoConnectivity for edit existing data with the edit link plus GET variable
However, problem happen when I click on edit link for my data, for example
I get this error
You are not authorized to view this page, Row Edit Error
however, if I open the original CConn (/index.php?option=com_chronoconnectivity&connectionname=edit_mauhai) before click on edit link, the edit now go normal.
This is really matter because my user can not press original link everytime they want to edit data.
Please help me, this is so urgent
Thanks alot