
Custom Error Message

john2aus 08 Aug, 2009

I have set up my forms to email to the address a user puts in. However, if they do not put in an email address they get this message after they submit:

You must provide at least one recipient e-mail address.

How can I change that message?

kazirahul 08 Aug, 2009
if they do not put in an email address they get this message after they submit:
GreyHead 08 Aug, 2009
Hi john2aus,

You need to validate the form to make sure that there is a valid email address submitted.

john2aus 08 Aug, 2009

How do I validate the text field to ensure a valid email address is entered? I have not used the wizard but instead inserted HTML in from Dreamweaver.
GreyHead 08 Aug, 2009
Hi john2aus,

On the Validation tab turn validation on and put the field name in 'required'and 'email'.

You could also add servers ide validation in the box belwo if you prefer.

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