
error on instal

byronyasgur 07 Aug, 2009
tring to install rc5.5 - keep getting this error

Warning: zip_entry_read() []: The bytes parameter must greater then zero in /home/e25605/public_html/libraries/joomla/filesystem/archive/zip.php on line 238

any help appreciated
GreyHead 07 Aug, 2009
Hi byronyasgur,

Sounds like the zip file is empty. Could be you have a corrupt download from here - or the upload isn't working. Try uploading with FTP and use the manual installer.

byronyasgur 10 Aug, 2009
thanks - the manual install worked - sorry should have tried that

i got an error that i thought id mention in case it hasnt been reported before -

Warning: /home/e25605/public_html/administrator/cache/9b8ac9887872716cae1ceea4dea3bd58.spc is not writeable in /home/e25605/public_html/libraries/simplepie/simplepie.php on line 1623

however it disappears when i turn of the tip of the day - i dont need the totd so it no problem but i just thought i'd mention it in case it's a bug etc

thanks for the component
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