
Display query within template

daved83 07 Aug, 2009
I have a from prices.html with action process.php. The from works fine outside of Joomla. When I try to integrate it using chronoforms, the action is index.php by default. Although the query string appears in the URL, i am redirected to the homepage of my site. When I put process.php in the Submit URL box, I am redirected to the external script which is not what I want either. When I put it in the Redirect URL box nothing happens.

What I would like to is prcess the form as normal but within the Joomla template if you know what I mean. Any help would be fantastic because I'm stumped!

Max_admin 07 Aug, 2009
Hi daved,

if your prices.php is using the posted variables to do its work then pasting the code inside to the onsubmit after email box should do it, set the form method to "post" too, make sure your prices.html doesn't have any fields with names like "option" or "task"

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
daved83 07 Aug, 2009
Thanks a lot, works perfectly now. i was using GET instead of POST. Why doesn't Joomla accept GET method??

Thanks again much appreciated
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