
Problem with Chrono form

webbuilders 07 Aug, 2009
Hi i use Chrono form old version on one site

I desided to upgrade to newest version so i get a backup and unistalled the old

After installing the new version 3.55rc i made the validation and after that i restored the forms

Now i have noticed some strange problems ...
I had two forms and i created a third one and when i enabled the antispam on the third form .......
The antispam on the first form i had wasnt working properly the captcha passes 1 from 3 right attemps so when i closed the antispam from the third form the captcha from the first form worked fine.

So i decided to built from the begining the third form ... I did it from Wizard but no generated code was published

I tryied many times but i see that no html is generated through Wizard ... Why???

Please help

Max_admin 07 Aug, 2009
Hi webbuilders,

make sure your browser and website cache are clean before using the wizard ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
webbuilders 07 Aug, 2009
It worked with that .. My mind would never thought that

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