for saving datas in acajoom.Could somebody tell me how to do that?Thanks!"> How to save datas from chronoform to community builder - Forums


How to save datas from chronoform to community builder

novisteam 06 Aug, 2009

is there a possibility to save datas from chronoform subscriber form into the community builder?

E.g. something like

$email = JRequest::getVar('email', '', 'post');
$name = JRequest::getVar('name', '', 'post');
$MyForm->formrow->redirecturl = JURI::base()."index.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subscribe&listid=1&receive_html=1&email=$email&name=$name";

for saving datas in acajoom.

Could somebody tell me how to do that?

GreyHead 16 Aug, 2009
Hi novisteam,

Is this about CB or Acajoom? The CB Registration plugin will save the name and email OK; and it's possible to send the info to Acajoom using the CURL plugin.

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