
Use PHP in template e-mail

makinero 04 Aug, 2009

In previous versions of chronoforms (for joomla 1.0), I could use PHP in template e-mail. Now there's a WYSIWYG editor and I can't use PHP which is very useful to built custom templates...

Is there any way to use PHP in e-mail template ? I use Chronoforms 3.0 stable.

Thank you !
GreyHead 04 Aug, 2009
Hi makinero,

You can turn the HTML editor off in the Email Setup Properties. You'll need to save the form and re-open it for the change to take effect.


PS Please upgrade to a later release if you can there are quite a few bug fixes and improvements.
makinero 04 Aug, 2009
Hi, GreyHead

Thank you for your fast reply. I tried to do what you said but, as you can see in my attachement, there is a editor option in "Setup Emails" but no field (select or checkbox) witch allows me to disable the editor !
GreyHead 04 Aug, 2009
Hi makinero,

Try "Use Template Editor" = No

makinero 05 Aug, 2009
OK !! The field is "Use template Editor". I thought there was a field called "use template" and another called "editor" because the word "Editor" returns to line ! That's not great...

Otherwise, I succed to disable the editor and PHP code works, thank you for your help.

Thank you very much !
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