
Installation issue in Local with MAMP on MAC OSX (SOLVED)

stefanolbp 04 Aug, 2009
First of all, it is my first post on here and I am new with CF. My problem is quite strange. When I try to install CF from the file I got a white page (after press INSTALL) so I had to install CF manually from the temp folder.

Everything appear to be good and a new component menu come out with the name "Chrono Form". GREAT! πŸ˜€

My first deal is that I don't see any html buttom do you know why?

Just to see how it works I built a form, I saved giving it a name but after this I cannot publish and the page look unformatted like the picture below.
May you give me any idea of what happening?
GreyHead 04 Aug, 2009
Hi stefanolbp,

At a guess there is something broken in the installation. Neither of your image links work correctly so it's hard to tell what the problem is.

stefanolbp 04 Aug, 2009
I work on local with MAMP, I also upgrade Joomla to 1.5.14 and I install it many times but nothing. I don't understand why I have this problem.

The only thing I can say is that I install it manually from the temp file. If I instal it as usual a white page appear. What can I do?

You can see the picture here
GreyHead 04 Aug, 2009
Hi stefanolbp,

You shouldn't have two copies on BasicDemo there. I still think that there's probably a corrupt file somewhere - or possibly some bad code in your form that creates a PHP error.

Please search here on MAMP - I recall a few posts a while ago.

I'd then suggest that you try installing ChronoForms in a fresh Joomla installation and see if that is OK.

stefanolbp 04 Aug, 2009
Hi Bob
I start to think that I try to install a wrong version or maybe my joomla is not compatible. I download joomla from and it is the italian version

I try to install CF in a new clean installation using a RocketTheme Template


you can see a video of what I do and what happen when I try to install CF. I would like to buy the license but if it doesn't work I guess it's stupid.

Bob, you suggest me to search MAMP on this forum but what MAMP can do for me? I don't understand what should I looking for.

Sorry for bothering!
stefanolbp 04 Aug, 2009
I solve the problem. In local using MAMP into a MAC OSX I must configure the cache in server>php>cache>xcache

Now everything is fineπŸ˜€ but I still don't see the HTML BUTTOM

GreyHead 04 Aug, 2009
Hi stefanolbp,

Great, glad it's fixed so far.

I don't know what the HTML button is??


PS The suggestion to search on MAMP was to see if other people had posted about similar problems.
stefanolbp 04 Aug, 2009
If you view the video I posted You understand which html buttom I'm talking about. I would like to create a form directly from html code.
GreyHead 04 Aug, 2009
Hi stefanolbp,

There is no HTML icon in the Wizard, drag and drop from the right hand box to add form fields.

If you want to paste in html then use the New Icon from the Forms Manager, then open the Form HTML box on the Form Code tab and paste it is - without the form tags.

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