I'm sorry, it still isn't clicking. I am trying to follow this tutorial (
http://www.chronoengine.com/tutorials/other-tutorials/18-tutorials/40-chronoconnectivity-tutorial-1.html) but it is rather confusing. I don't care about the front-end...do I have to create it? Do I have to list every field I want to edit or just enough fields to know which one I want to edit? Also, I am not understanding once I am able to create the edit table where it will be available in the backend for me to access it.
Right now I can't even get the edit table created, I get this error. Woe is me and my understanding of this plugin.
TableChronoConnectivity::store failed - Unknown column 'OnSaveJSCode' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_chronoconnectivity` ( `id`,`name`,`tablenames`,`SQL`,`head`,`body`,`footer`,`OnSaveJSCode`,`paramsall`,`Config` ) VALUES ( '0','SSReg','jos_chronoforms_SundaySchoolReg','','','','','if(0){ \r\n } else {\r\n submitform( pressbutton );\r\n }','ordersql=\nfrontfilters=\nposted=\ngeted=\nheading=\nenmambots=No\nlistlimit=25\ndeletelink=Delete Record\neditlink=Edit Record\nnewlink=New Record\nfront_edit_form=\neditform=SundaySchoolReg\nprimarykey=cf_id\nauthedit_groups=\nauthdelete_groups=\nauthnew_groups=\nauthedit_users=\nauthdelete_users=\nauthnew_users=','dataviewtitles=LastName, Mother\'s First,Mother\'s Last, Father\'s First, Father\'s Last\ndataview=LastName,MothersFirstName,MothersLastName,FathersFirstName,FathersLastName' )