
Pressing ENTER in Form Wizard destroys form!

taikonaut 31 Jul, 2009
Hi everybody,

this is a problem I could reproduce! I'm using RC5.1
  • When editing a form in the wizard and accidentially pressing 'Enter', the wizard closes and the form appears without its name.

  • When enabling its checkbox and clicking on 'Wizard Edit', the message 'Sorry but this form was not created using the wizard'

  • Giving it a name again does not lead to any changes.
  • [/list]

    This now happened twice and I always lose my huge form and need to start over again. Very annoying! I hope you can fix this soon:)

    Best regards
    GreyHead 31 Jul, 2009
    Hi taikonaut,

    It's fixed, please update to the latest release.

    jpurlings 06 Dec, 2009

    I have downloaded the latest version (the current version), and I still have this problem. Please help!!
    GreyHead 06 Dec, 2009
    Hi jpurlings,

    Which version do you have and exactly what do you have to do to create the problem? I'm as certain as I can be that the problem taikonaut described has been fixed.

    jpurlings 06 Dec, 2009
    I downloaded this zip-file:, that's currently on the site. To reproduce, I make a new form with the form wizard. Eacht time when I press return or backspace, the form is saved, but no name is displayed for the form anymore. Ten, when I want to open the form with the wizard edit, i get the reported message.
    Max_admin 06 Dec, 2009
    Hi jpurlings,

    Please clear your browser and website caches and retry ? try from a different browser too if possible ?

    ChronoForms developer...
    Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
    jpurlings 07 Dec, 2009
    Okay, I cleared browser and site cahce. That didn't solve the problem. In addition to reconstructing the problem, it occurs when I am editing a field, say a text field, and after typing a label, instead of exiting the label field by clicking on apply, I press enter. So while typing the label, pressing enter.

    But! That all happens in Google Chrome version In Internet Explorer, the problem doesn't occur. Sow I will create my form in the Internet Explorer.

    Thanks for your help!
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