
By removing the second recipient the form no work anymore

Fritz 30 Jul, 2009
Chrono Contact Version 3.1 RC5.1
In a form I have insert two receiver E-Mail (in the Setup-Email section of the forms management).
How is it possible that by removing one recipient of this form (leaving only one recipient), these not work anymore?
I performed this change doing many tests. If I reenter the second address (with the original value data) the form back to work.
GreyHead 30 Jul, 2009
Hi Fritz,

Please post a screen-shot of the Email Setup.

Fritz 30 Jul, 2009
Here the screenshots....
GreyHead 30 Jul, 2009
Hi Fritz,

Both Email setups look to be the same??


PS Does 'localhost' work in the From Email box? - I'd expect that to cause an error, but I've never tested it.
Fritz 30 Jul, 2009
This is the same form. I made you two Screenshots to clearly illustrate the recipient field. In this field are two addresses from comma divided.

> Does 'localhost' work in the From Email box? - I'd expect that to cause an error, but I've never tested it.

That work fine. I have setted the local SMTP service (from IIS integrated) only for the sending from the specific server IP (this server). I'm considering whether to use / setting this service to my central mail server (MailEnable Enterprise). I'm studying a valid approach to security.
Fritz 02 Aug, 2009
And now I find this error. 😟

Here the log from php:

[01-Aug-2009 06:45:28] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function getPageParameters() on a non-object in E:\\components\com_chronocontact\libraries\chronoform.php on line 40
[01-Aug-2009 06:45:28] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: mainframe in E:\\components\com_chronocontact\libraries\chronoform.php on line 40

I have to upgrade to the latest version of Joomla 1.5.14. Now I would the errors in the php log supervise, to see if anything changes ... 🙄
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