Chrono Contact Version 3.1 RC5.1
In a form I have insert two receiver E-Mail (in the Setup-Email section of the forms management).
How is it possible that by removing one recipient of this form (leaving only one recipient), these not work anymore?
I performed this change doing many tests. If I reenter the second address (with the original value data) the form back to work.
Hi Fritz,
Please post a screen-shot of the Email Setup.
Hi Fritz,
Both Email setups look to be the same??
PS Does 'localhost' work in the From Email box? - I'd expect that to cause an error, but I've never tested it.
This is the same form. I made you two Screenshots to clearly illustrate the recipient field. In this field are two addresses from comma divided.
> Does 'localhost' work in the From Email box? - I'd expect that to cause an error, but I've never tested it.
That work fine. I have setted the local SMTP service (from IIS integrated) only for the sending from the specific server IP (this server). I'm considering whether to use / setting this service to my central mail server (MailEnable Enterprise). I'm studying a valid approach to security.
And now I find this error. 😟
Here the log from php:
[01-Aug-2009 06:45:28] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function getPageParameters() on a non-object in E:\\components\com_chronocontact\libraries\chronoform.php on line 40
[01-Aug-2009 06:45:28] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: mainframe in E:\\components\com_chronocontact\libraries\chronoform.php on line 40
I have to upgrade to the latest version of Joomla 1.5.14. Now I would the errors in the php log supervise, to see if anything changes ... 🙄