
Somehow Comments shows up in unhighlighted section/category

timmiller 29 Jul, 2009
I really love this component. I've got an issue where comments are showing up in a category that's not highlighted in the params.

The front page image rotator has comments showing up after I enabled blog view...

Thanks in advance!

Leethyl 09 Jul, 2010
I seem to have found the solution to this. Seeing as though you never received any replies, I am posting this here for those people in the future that will run in to this problem.

If you find the comments form is popping up on pages that you don't wan't it to, it's most likely because you naturally thought that by selecting the Section and then the Category will only apply it to that Category. However this is not the case. By selecting a Section, this completely supersedes the Category select. Or at least sometimes.

What I did was deselect the Section that I highlighted and ONLY selected the category that I wanted to show the Comments under. This seemed to work for me.
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