
form slow with 50 radiobutton question - make faster?

h.kleinveld 27 Jul, 2009
Hi Chronoengine,

I have on an older version of ChronoForms a form of 200 questions, each with 3 radiobuttons and this is going fine. joomla 1.0, chronoforms 2.3.9

Now I have a version running on joomla 1.5 with chronoforms 3.1 RC5.3, and it is very slow. I have now split up the form in 50 questions each, but it is still very slow. I think maybe there is a new validation method or something, but the old one was just a lot faster. Any clue how I can speed this up? It is also part of a multi-part form right now, but even without it being a multipage it is very slow. If I put the 200 questions in 1 form it loads very slow. On the website it is put into an iFrame, does that make a difference?

Max_admin 27 Jul, 2009
Hi, try to use Firebug extension for Firefox to check what does your form loads when its loaded, make sure you clear your cache before testing so you can see everything! there must be something slowing it down!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
h.kleinveld 27 Jul, 2009
what sort of thing should I look for?

wrong html? wrong javascript? please give me some direction.
GreyHead 27 Jul, 2009

On the sample form you posted there are only ten or so qeustions that I can find - the page loads in around 600msecs here. ]

About one-third of that is an error message for a missing file:

The requested URL /cms/components/com_chronocontact/css/plugin.css was not found on this server.

h.kleinveld 27 Jul, 2009
my mistake, try this form:

it's slow on the verification.
h.kleinveld 27 Jul, 2009
here it is within the iFrame

already thanks for the efforts.
GreyHead 27 Jul, 2009
Hi h.kleinveld,

I'm still seeing fairly respectable page load times of around 0.6 second.

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