
how to use autoresponder and acajoom

hubert.dyba 24 Jul, 2009

I am using up-to-date Chronoforms and Acajoom News.
I need two things:
1. An email to the person that just filled the form with some additional informations (autoresponder)
2. Exporting two fields (name and email) to acajoom - I don't know if it's possible?

I don't know much about PHP, if there are ready solutions, please helpšŸ™‚

GreyHead 24 Jul, 2009
Hi Hubert,

For the email you can setup an Email with a Dynamic To field and add the field name for the email field into the box.

For Acajoom, there are a couple of solutions in the forums here - please search on Acajoom.

hubert.dyba 24 Jul, 2009
hi Bob,
thanks for reply

I've found (almost) everything I need on the forum.
I've put in onSubmit box:

$from = $replyto_email ="";
$fromname = $replyto_name = "My name";
$recipient = $_POST['text_8'];
$subject = "My topic";
$html_message = "<p>My text</p>";
$ccemails = $bccemails = $attachments = "";

mosMail($from, $fromname, $recipient, $subject, $html_message, true, $ccemails, $bccemails, $attachments, $replyto_email, $replyto_name );

$email = JRequest::getVar('text_8', '', 'post');
$name = JRequest::getVar('text_0', '', 'post');
$MyForm->setFormData('redirecturl', "index.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subscribe&name=$name&email=$email&listid=".implode(",", JRequest::getVar('strRequestList')));

This code:
1. sends email to customer
2. adds him to my newsletter

But the only thing that need to be changed is, that after submitting the form, browser redirects me to some acajoom's page. I need it to redirect me to chronoforms's redirect url.

How can I do that??

hubert.dyba 24 Jul, 2009

you need to add &redirectlink= to the code

so it looks like that

$email = JRequest::getVar('text_8', '', 'post');
$name = JRequest::getVar('text_0', '', 'post');
$MyForm->setFormData('redirecturl', "index.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subscribe&name=$name&email=$email&redirectlink=".implode(",", JRequest::getVar('strRequestList')));

GreyHead 25 Jul, 2009
Hi Hubert,

This will work OK, the CURL plugin solution is perhaps a little more elegant as there is no need for the user to go to the AcaJoom page.

wttgl 28 Jul, 2009
Is it possible to send an email to the person who submitted the form. I tried the dynamic to and added {name of email field} but it does not work.
wttgl 28 Jul, 2009
ok sorry i got it working, i dint need the brackets, man i love this component best $25 dollars ever spent on joomla! thanks again.
hubert.dyba 14 Oct, 2009
Hey there

I don't know what am I doing wrong:
1. I select a form and go to CURL configuration
2. I need to fields - text_0 (name) and text_8 (email)
3. I call them the same so it looks like 'text_0' field text_0 , 'text_8' field text_8
4. The target URL is index.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subscribe&name=text_0&email=text_8&listid=1
5. The CURL Plugin in form's configuration is enabled (green bar) and first on the list

and the form works, two mails are sent, but the curl is just not working..
GreyHead 14 Oct, 2009
Hi Hubert,

You need to add a full domain to the target url

And you need to move the query part of the target url into the cURL configuration tab.

You should have boxes for 'text_0' - put name in it, and for 'text_8' - put email in that (no quotes and no brackets)

Then in the text area add

hubert.dyba 14 Oct, 2009
oh, so I did it all way wrong...

big thank for help!
thomaslester 12 Feb, 2011
Hi! It seems that Acajoom 5.1.5 needs &passwordA=Pas$w0rd to the url for this to work.
How does I set Chronoform Curl to do that?

Kind regards
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