
simple problem?

daffy 23 Jul, 2009
I want to offer my users two buttons in the middle of an article 'continue' and 'delete'.
The only way I can see to do it is to put a little form in place with two buttons, both being of type submit but one named btcontinue (value = 'A')and the other named btdelete (value= 'B'). Then send the 'action' to a php script which does a JRequest for each button name to look at the values and take action accordingly.

But this seems very clumsy.
Is there a standard way to deal with this sort of need for buttons within an article ?

I presume I can do this with chronoforms and put some data in a textbox sothat the users know hwat they are deleting.
And is chronoforms 'overkill' for this purpose.

Max_admin 27 Jul, 2009
Hi Dave,

I think you can do it the way you suggested and use onsubmit code to do your action but check for permissions first...

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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