
Problem with Email Verification

kayne 22 Jul, 2009
hi all,
i try to use the "Email Verification" plug-in but it doesn't work.
i create a form with some fields : name, surname, phone, email, etc... and i need to verify the correct email address.

the data store is a table with all of my interested data and a field TINYINT(1) for the verification flag.

in the email option i set the TO with a static mail, subject with a string and the from name and email with the global configuration of my joomla.

in the db option i set the table used from my form data store and specify the name of the flag field.

but nothing.

Thank to all.
GreyHead 15 Sep, 2009
Hi Kayne,

Sorry it's taken me a while to get to work on this.

It looks to me as though you may not have the ChronOForms UID field in your table and without this CF will have problems checking the verify links.

In any case I've updated the Plugin and add a Help tab, a beta version of the updated file is attached. Unzip and add the cf_email_verification.php file to your components/chronocontact/plugins folder.

There are some changes to the plugin. Reply To fields are now added for advanced users and the plugin column selector will only show TINIYINT columns.

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