
Sending a copy of the form results to the recipient

jebediah 22 Jul, 2009
Is it possible in chronoforms to enable a option where when the recipient who completes the form, they can get a copy of the results email to themself as well as the intended recipient? Wasn't able to find this option anywhere.

GreyHead 22 Jul, 2009
Hi jebediah,

Add a Dynamic CC to the Email Setup. but note that CC & BCC don't work if your site is using PHP Mail Function, in that case you can add a Dymanic To Email as well as a To Email.

jebediah 22 Jul, 2009
Thank you. What would I put in the dynamic cc field so it knows to send it to the person who is signing up the form? I have it so only users who register on the joomla site can get to that form page and submit it. So I just need to know what variable or email I would have to put in the Dynamic CC field so it knows it has to send it to the logged in user
GreyHead 23 Jul, 2009
Hi jebediah,

Add a dummy hidden field to your form HTML
<input type='hidden' name='user_email' value='' />

In the OnSubmit Before box add a code snippet to look up the user email
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
JRequest::setVar('user_email', $user->email, 'post');

and put user_email in the Dynamic CC field

edgarlomax 23 Jul, 2009
OK, tried my way and it worked to a point.

Tried your way and I can't get it to work.

Can you explain it to a slow but steady learner like me?


jebediah 23 Jul, 2009

I did everything as you advised, when I added the Dynamic CC - it made me select from one of the form fields I had in my form and I couldn't enter in a custom variable like you had said "user_email". Not sure what I'm doing wrong...
GreyHead 23 Jul, 2009
Hi Jeremiah,

Then possibly you didn't add the hidden field to your form html?

nml375 23 Jul, 2009
Hi Jeremiah,
I take it you are using the Form Wizard?
In the "form preview" you get when clicking the input field, you should also be able to see your hidden input. Check the very right border for blue buttons - each belongs to one input field. The trick here, is that the hidden input is also hidden here, but the blue button still remains visible, so look for a "lone" blue button and click it.

Hope this helps.

Also, a second option could be to modify the FAQ#31 to add a CC-field to the email (rather than "To") depending on the user-selected email option.

jebediah 23 Jul, 2009
In the form preview, I do not see a blue arrow sitting by itself. I deleted the dynamic cc field, and re-created it again and it allowed me to enter my custom variables but in the form preview there was nothing in it with a indicator of "user_email" in it.

Also, I noticed another weird thing -

When I go to form management next to my form name - it says


...That's really weird
GreyHead 23 Jul, 2009
Hi jebediah,

It the field selector inside the Wizard Step 2 (which I had never seen until today). The hidden field here is the bottom one with just the blue tick icon showing.

jebediah 23 Jul, 2009
Two odd things:

1. The input hidden tag keeps disappearing from time to time from the form code.
2. In the form management screen, it says enabled 1 and disabled 1.

Here is an example of my form code:

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_text"> <span class="cf_text">8. Question here.</span> </div>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textarea">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Answer:</label>
    <textarea class="cf_inputbox required" rows="10" id="text_20" title="Question #8 needs to be completed" cols="65" name="text_20"></textarea>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_text"> <span class="cf_text">9. Question Here?</span> </div>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textarea">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Answer:</label>
    <textarea class="cf_inputbox required" rows="10" id="text_22" title="Question #9 needs to be completed" cols="65" name="text_22"></textarea>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>
Max_admin 27 Jul, 2009

In the form management screen, it says enabled 1 and disabled 1.

do you have 2 emails setup ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
jebediah 30 Jul, 2009
That email enabled 1 and disabled 1 comes up when I enter the dynamic cc field. If there is anything I can provide to help find my issue, please let me know.
GreyHead 30 Jul, 2009
Hi jebediah,

A screen shot of the Email setup page woudl be useful. The Dynamic CC needs a valid field name in it.

jebediah 31 Jul, 2009
Here is a screenshot

jebediah 31 Jul, 2009
Here is my form code:

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_heading">
    <h2 class="cf_text">Do Not Navigate Away From This Page Until Its Completed!  Otherwise You Will Lose Any Information You May Have Placed.</h2>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_text"> <span class="cf_text">Please fill out your contact information.</span> </div>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textbox">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">First Name:</label>
    <input class="cf_inputbox required" maxlength="150" size="40" title="" id="text_23" name="text_23" type="text" />
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textbox">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Last Name:</label>
    <input class="cf_inputbox required" maxlength="150" size="40" title="" id="text_24" name="text_24" type="text" />
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textbox">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Title</label>
    <input class="cf_inputbox required" maxlength="150" size="40" title="" id="text_30" name="text_30" type="text" />
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textbox">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Phone Number:</label>
    <input class="cf_inputbox required validate-number" maxlength="150" size="40" title="" id="text_26" name="text_26" type="text" />
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textbox">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Email Address:</label>
    <input class="cf_inputbox required validate-email" maxlength="150" size="40" title="" id="text_25" name="text_25" type="text" />
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_text"> <span class="cf_text">1. question .</span> </div>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textarea">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Answer:</label>
    <textarea class="cf_inputbox required" rows="10" id="text_3" title="Question #1 needs to be completed" cols="65" name="text_3"></textarea>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_text"> <span class="cf_text">2. question</span> </div>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textarea">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Answer:</label>
    <textarea class="cf_inputbox required" rows="10" id="text_6" title="Question #2 needs to be completed" cols="65" name="text_6"></textarea>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_text"> <span class="cf_text">3. question</span> </div>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textarea">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Answer:</label>
    <textarea class="cf_inputbox required" rows="10" id="text_8" title="Question #3 needs to be completed" cols="65" name="text_8"></textarea>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_text"> <span class="cf_text">4. question </span> </div>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textarea">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Answer:</label>
    <textarea class="cf_inputbox required" rows="10" id="text_10" title="Question #4 needs to be completed" cols="65" name="text_10"></textarea>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_text"> <span class="cf_text">5. question.</span> </div>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textarea">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Answer:</label>
    <textarea class="cf_inputbox required" rows="10" id="text_12" title="Question #5 needs to be completed" cols="65" name="text_12"></textarea>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_text"> <span class="cf_text">6. question.</span> </div>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textarea">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Answer:</label>
    <textarea class="cf_inputbox required" rows="10" id="text_14" title="Question #6 needs to be completed" cols="65" name="text_14"></textarea>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_text"> <span class="cf_text">7. question.</span> </div>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textarea">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Answer:</label>
    <textarea class="cf_inputbox required" rows="10" id="text_17" title="Question #7 needs to be completed" cols="65" name="text_17"></textarea>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_text"> <span class="cf_text">8. question.</span> </div>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textarea">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Answer:</label>
    <textarea class="cf_inputbox required" rows="10" id="text_20" title="Question #8 needs to be completed" cols="65" name="text_20"></textarea>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_text"> <span class="cf_text">9. question?</span> </div>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textarea">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Answer:</label>
    <textarea class="cf_inputbox required" rows="10" id="text_22" title="Question #9 needs to be completed" cols="65" name="text_22"></textarea>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_text"> <span class="cf_text">question.</span> </div>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_button">
    <input value="Submit" name="button_28" type="submit" />
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>
jebediah 31 Jul, 2009
I have added the form code I have and screenshot of my email setup above.
GreyHead 03 Aug, 2009
Hi jebediah,

The pink Email setup is incomplete and won't work, you must have at least To, Subject, From & From Email (or their Dynamic equivalents).

jebediah 08 Aug, 2009
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