
yet another bug...image upload error

dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
after submitting form with uploaded image:

note: upload directory is created

* JFTP::mkdir: Bad response
* Couldn't create upload directroy 1
* JFTP::mkdir: Bad response
* JFTP::mkdir: Bad response
dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
1. Form passed first SPAM check OK
2. Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
3. Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
4. Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
5. $_POST Array: Array ( [company] => Webcore [contact] => DErrick [email] => [email][/email] [subject] => Test [adtype] => Top [pages] => Home [source] => Google [message] => Test [chrono_verification] => s8ggu [button_5] => Submit [59c81d50fc78f182a5d159cd225e8716] => 1 [1cf1] => b00b3609b843bc2f61914bb7ef4ffdb9 [chronoformname] => advertising2 )
6. $_FILES Array: Array ( [upload] => Array ( [name] => 75winnebago.jpg [type] => image/jpeg [tmp_name] => /tmp/phpzG6ciX [error] => 0 [size] => 36048 ) )
7. Upload routine started for file upload by : upload
8. /images/aduploads/20090721110638_75winnebago.jpg has been uploaded OK
9. Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
10. An email has been SENT successfully from ( to [email][/email]
11. An email has been SENT successfully from ( Advertising) to [email][/email]
12. Debug End

**also not receving confirmation/auto reply email AS you can see thouugh, debug says it was sent.
**says image is uploaded to directory, but nothing is there. another false positive.
**config says my upload dir is not writable when its chmod to 777.

Major issues with Chrono posting.
nml375 21 Jul, 2009
Hi dsmflash,
The errors in your posts would suggest there is an issue with your uploads path. Keep in mind that you need to set this to include the full path as seen by the web server (not whatever view you might have from your ftp account). Specific, I doubt your hosting company has placed the "webroot" at "/". Still puzzles me that it states that the file was uploaded though, unless you've managed to create a different folder (outside the joomla installation) through the ftp link..

As for emails not being received, this usually means your email server dropped the mail as possible spam. Once CF states the email has been sent, that means it has handed it off to the email server, and the server initially accepted it.

dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
emails are valid and not marked as span.

i know this because i am sending from webmail from that server and everything is ok.

my upload path is correct. chmod is correct.

i would like to get more advice here than that my emails aren't valid, or marked as spam, etc.

its becoming increasignly frustrating.
nml375 21 Jul, 2009
Now, to get a little technical..
In your CF upload setup, do you literally have "/images/aduploads/" as upload path?
Also, you should see a "Default path" text just below, could you post this?

Just because one email is "valid" when sent from a web-based client, does not mean these mails are not classed as spam. I've seen a few examples where mailing an article works just fine, yet some form posts got flagged as junk. I remember one instance, where the email got flagged as spam if it contained the word "mortgage", yet went through just fine with "mrtgage".

"An email has been SENT successfully ..."
This simply means that CF created the mail body, and made a successful call to JUtility::sendMail(). This further means that CF has handed the email off to Joomla to be sent, and Joomla successfully managed to hand it further on to your email server. As such, to CF, the email was sent successfully; and your email is lost somewhere else out of control of CF.

The most common cause for this is poorly trained spam filters within the email server. A few others are servers and domains enforcing SPF strictly (causes problems with From-addresses matching,,, etc..), and servers only accepting a strict list of senders. Without access to your email server's logs, we'd can only speculate as to the cause...

dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
ok. i have to logout and log back in and now it says my directory is writable. uploads are now in there. don't know why Apply or Save wouldn't do the trick. yes my path is /images/aduploads

now my only problem is that reply emails are not being sent. very frustrating. about to scrap CF.
nml375 21 Jul, 2009
Looking a bit closer on that debug output, actually suggests your CF email setup is not correct.
It would seem you got the "From Name" property properly entered, but not the "From Address". Without both, most servers will reject the mail.

Do you think you could post a screenshot of your email setup tab?

dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
well here's my settings. don't know how much more simple it can get.

this is part of my point and other posts. there is a problem with Chrono debug script. giving false positives. i think i've been cutoff by Max and Bob. I thought bug reporting was how apps are made better?

dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
my other account.

are they setup correct?

nml375 22 Jul, 2009
Regarding the first account, first email:
The "From email" setting does not hold a valid email address. It is enough for the JMail class to accept the message, but the email server will most likely not send this email further. I assume the "web" part shown in the "To" field is a second full email address, just not fully shown..

Regarding the first account, second email:
"From email" and "From name" looks good. The "Dynamic To" should work well as long as your form has a matching form field. Be advised though, not entering any data into the email form field could very possibly render the "You must provide at least one recipient e-mail address." error message, as CF does not test the value of the submitted data.

Regarding the second account:
It looks pretty much identical to the first one?

It is not really a matter of false positives, but perhaps a misunderstanding. What this message means is that the email has left CF, and is now in the hands of other pieces of software - that is, CF thinks it has done it's job. Given the protocols we have to work with, regarding emails, once we hand off a message to an email server, there's really nothing else we can do. There is no useful means of message tracking or diagnostics; think of it as putting a postcard in a mailbox: You only know you put it in there, and that the postal service will try their best to deliver the postcard. But even so, they might drop it, or perhaps not be able to read the address label because of smudges or terrible handwriting (like mine). As they don't know who sent it, they can't hand it back to you either.

I suppose Max could add additional checks to see whether these configurations have proper values, as well as the submitted data for the "Dynamic " counterparts. However, I believe it would be hard to get a set of rules that guarantee perfect results.

dsmflash 22 Jul, 2009
well, its the dynamic field. so if its not working, then its a CF issue because the email field is in fact "email" and should dynamically pull that value into that field. So, basically what you are saying is that the dynamic function of CF is not working.

I already figured this as when you insert the dynamic field, and when you click on it, the box to select the field no longer pops up as in previous versions. which further supports my theory that the wizard is causing problems, in email settings and form creation.

i'm about 99% positive that my findings are correct. my email settings reflect those used in the basicDemo. so really the bottom line here is that there is a bug in the email settings.
dsmflash 22 Jul, 2009
now i'm getting autoreply email but not post info to my admin account
GreyHead 22 Jul, 2009
Hi dmsflash,

I already figured this as when you insert the dynamic field, and when you click on it, the box to select the field no longer pops up as in previous versions.

ChronoForms never created a pop-up box - though it's quite possible that autofill in your browser created a box with previous answers in it.

My best guess about your admin email is that your ISP is checking the From Email address and is marking the emails as spam because the domain isn't recognised.

dsmflash 22 Jul, 2009
see the attached image. the older versions had a popup window where you chose the form field associated w/ the dynamic field you were placing in email settings.
GreyHead 22 Jul, 2009
Hi dmsflash,

Cool - I never recall seeing that, and I've no idea why it's not still there. My apologies.

nml375 22 Jul, 2009
From what I read, my best guess at the moment, is that you are actually treating the "From email" as if it was "Dynamic From email". This is why you don't receive any messages to your [email][/email] address.. It does not have a valid "From email" address, and is in fact junked by your email server. Correct this setting, and we'll move on with the debugging.

The "popup" (technically shadowbox, but but could be thought of as a popup) is shown if you use the wizard editor, but not if you manually edit the form. Hope this clears some confusion...

Edit: Further, this "popup" is only shown for Dynamic input fields, not the normal/static ones. This once again suggests that you are indeed mixing up the normal and dynamic ones...

dsmflash 23 Jul, 2009
No problem at all. Just thought something was wrong since i no longer received it. Was just trying to pinpoint the origin of my problems.
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