
[SOLVED] vaildation works in firefox but not ie

mekon 21 Jul, 2009
Hi, Ive setup a few forms on a site im developing (got a license but not activating till on the correct domain).

The forms all have validation on them, in Firefox & Safari its fine, in IE the validation doesn't work at all. Ive searched on here but can only find people with the issue the other way around (works in ie not in firefox).

Thanks for your time.
GreyHead 25 Jul, 2009
Hi mekon,

There are some clear JavaScript errors in IE - but from a quick look I don't see anything obviously wrong.

mekon 30 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob,

Just started looking again at this.

If I unpublish the forms the javascript errors go

As you can see the errors appear only when a form is there and is stopping other javascript from working on the page because of it. I can give you / someone login details if you need.


GreyHead 31 Jul, 2009
Hi Darren,

I still can't see anything that is obviously causing the errors.

Pleae try adding class="" and value="" to your inputs like
<input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" class="" value="" />
I have seen occasions where IE can't add amend an attribute if it isn't present.

If that doesn't work tyr setting the validation attributes directly and remove the entries from the Validation tab e.g. class="required"

mekon 03 Aug, 2009
Fixed, turns out I have id="send" in my submit button code, changed this too class="send" and all works fine.
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