All email settings are correct, but after form submission, i get the error below:
Hi dmsflash,
I'm not sure where this message is from but it seems likely that you have an Email Setup that isn't receiving a valid To Email address.
The emails are setup according to instruction and the email is very valid. its my personal company email. Therefore, i should not be receiving this error.
Hi dmsflash,
I agree that you shouldn't be receiving it - but you are; I don't and I haven't seen floods of other users reporting it so my conclusion is that something is wrong with your setup. I just don't know what yet.
if you enabled Debug you should see how the email should look like, make sure it has a "TO" email address and I suggest testing with @gmail or @yahoo one!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?