
Chrono won't allow to enable or send emails

dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
Chrono won't send emails. i was having an issue with not being able to enable emails and had to reinstall. Now, email is enabled, but the form will not send email YES all settings are set to yes and correct.

Before,I enabled all my email fields in the emails setup. however, i save, go back into the form and "No" is selected again.
so, i am not able to enable my emails. How are you supposed to email results when it won't save settings?

There are a ton of bugs in the new Chrono. Is is possible to use an older version?
GreyHead 21 Jul, 2009
Hi dmsflash,

ChronoForms does send emails - thousand and thousands of them.

If it isn't working for you then either they ae going to a spam filter or there is something amiss with your setup of ChronoForms or the site mail server.

If you post some information perhaps we can help.

dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
I'm not sure what info to post aside from allowing you to login, which i can do.

My emails fields are green, everything is enabled, my email is very valid, but its not sending. I am out of options.

What info would help?
GreyHead 21 Jul, 2009
Hi dmsflash,

If the Email Setup is green and you have enabled=1 in the Email column in the Forms Manager; and your site can send emails then probably the next thing to do is turn on DeBug in the Forms Manager and post a copy of the output here.

dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
Ok, i even used the basicDemo to send my info. This is what i got:

Hey admin, you need to configure the emaisl addresses in the admin area for the real form to be sent to YOU

Form passed first SPAM check OK
Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
$_POST Array: Array ( [name] => Derrick [email] => [email][/email] [subject] => Test [message] => test [chrono_verification] => jlv5d [button_5] => Submit [d38bef94d3a53a064c48ece55ebc8022] => 1 [1cf1] => bcc0edfc2d7397d06599428c8b802971 [chronoformname] => basicDemo )
$_FILES Array: Array ( )
Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
An email has been SENT successfully from ( to [email][/email]
An email has been SENT successfully from ( to [email][/email]
Debug End

So why would i get that error if the email sent? my form emails match my Joomla admin email. Getting ready to test the form i created.
dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
Here's th eform i created:

Form passed first SPAM check OK
Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
$_POST Array: Array ( [Name] => Derrick Manor [Email] => [email][/email] [Info_Source] => Google [Department] => Classifieds [Subject] => Test [Message] => Test [chrono_verification] => icgPk [button_12] => Submit [d38bef94d3a53a064c48ece55ebc8022] => 1 [1cf1] => bcc0edfc2d7397d06599428c8b802971 [chronoformname] => Contact_Us )
$_FILES Array: Array ( )
Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
An email has been SENT successfully from () to [email][/email]
An email has been SENT successfully from (Chat RV Admin) to
Debug End

No email sent to me or reply address
Still getting "You must provide at least one recipient e-mail address.
" in red at top of page.

I know you believe the Chrono is functioning properly, however, nothing is working for me. There is a definite error in comp. Older versions worked, newer versions don't. There are way too many things going on here.
you can see from the bug report, it says its sending, but its not, and there is still teh recipients error. thats a bug right there.
dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
And, how would you explain this:

Error Message:
Hey admin, you need to configure the emaisl addresses in the admin area for the real form to be sent to YOU

I have my admin email in there and i am receiving the message in my email and the reply email is sending.

Greyhead, lets try to fix these errors. They are very apparent. This can be a great component!
dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009

I created and save this email template:

Hello {name},

Thank you for contacting, we will get back to you ASAP! Staff

But this is what it sends out:
Hello Derrick,

Thank you for contacting us, we will get back to you ASAP! staff
dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
does ththe emails the results go to have to match the domain. for example, if your site is, does the To email address have to be [email][/email]. It seems this is the case and somewhat restrictive.
GreyHead 21 Jul, 2009
Hi dmsflash,

An email has been SENT successfully from () to [email][/email]
An email has been SENT successfully from (Chat RV Admin) to

The *successfully* here means that ChronoForms has received a 'success' message from the Joomla mailer.

However, for these two emails, the first has no From Email and the second has no To Email so I imagine that your ISP has binned them as invalid or undeliverable.

As far as ChronoForms is concerned the To. From and ReplyTo email addresses can be any valid email address. But many ISPs will check the From Email address (and sometimes the ReplyTo email address) and require that to match the site domain.


PS For the mismatched emails - my guess is that you have different messages in the two templates. ChronoForms does nothing clever with the template messages except to replace {name} with Derrick etc.
dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
I don't know what i did, but it seems to be working. However, i don't know why i duplicated the basicDemo, and it did not work, using the same settings,i just changed the emails. What is special about thesettings in the basicDemo. It seems that all of your forms will have to be a copy of this one. Very strange.

I want to believe in this component, but it is very difficult and complex to use.
dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009

Hi dmsflash,

An email has been SENT successfully from () to [email][/email]
An email has been SENT successfully from (Chat RV Admin) to

The *successfully* here means that ChronoForms has received a 'success' message from the Joomla mailer.

However, for these two emails, the first has no From Email and the second has no To Email so I imagine that your ISP has binned them as invalid or undeliverable.

As far as ChronoForms is concerned the To. From and ReplyTo email addresses can be any valid email address. But many ISPs will check the From Email address (and sometimes the ReplyTo email address) and require that to match the site domain.


PS For the mismatched emails - my guess is that you have different messages in the two templates. ChronoForms does nothing clever with the template messages except to replace {name} with Derrick etc.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree here. I have the from email entered, same as To. My emails ARE VALID addresses, so the "invalid" or "undeliverable" agrument does not apply here. I am using [email][/email] just to make it all match up.

there appears to be a bug in the Chrono debug because it is reporting bugs that are not here, such as the from address.
GreyHead 21 Jul, 2009
Hi dsmflash,

Feel free to disagree as much as you like. That won't help you a great deal but it leaves me free to stop replying to your posts until you are ready to take some notice of what I say to you.

If you have any more questions - please direct them to Max using the Contact Us form on the site here.

Max_admin 26 Jul, 2009

I have the from email entered, same as To

Its not suggested that the To address is the same as the "From" one!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
siliconfarm 25 Nov, 2009

I had the same issue/warning message using the demo form.

First, this message comes from "On Submit code - after sending email:". you can view it under the "Form Code" tab of your form (I was looking for that option too !)
Which seems to me that if you see this message you should have got an email...

But as I wasn't enable to send emails using my own forms, after reading this post, I compared my form with the demo one, and as GreyHead said, I realized that on the "setup Emails" tab of my form, under "Email Properties" on the right, "Enabled" was set to "no" ! I changed that to "yes", saved, and that was it ! Emails are being sent just fine !

This component is really easy to use yet very powerful, it takes a little time to get familiar with all the settings, but it works great !!

I hope this helps someone else. Thanks for the great work.

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