
!ReCaptch causing IE to abort operation!

dsmflash 20 Jul, 2009
I cannot open my pages with forms in IE7. Seems to be ok in FF except my rirght and left column disappeared on one page with a form. Have attached screenshot. On my advertsing sign up page, my content on the left and right are gone. forms are on "Contact Us" and"Sign Up" under Advertise. Try opening in IE.

*When i disable the ReCaptcha plugin, the forms work and no abort operations warning.*
Referencing my other posts, ReCaptcha does not play well with ChronoForms. I think that can be concluded.

I have no clue what would cause this.

GreyHead 21 Jul, 2009
Hi dmsflash,

That's a good descrition of the ReCaptcha problem - it seems to be linked to server response time. I get no errors on my test sites on a local network, I've tested other sites here and seen errors maybe one in ten or twenty times.

The ChronoForms ImageVerification isn't prone to this fault and is probably more reliable on most hosts.

dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
So there is no fix? Will this be fixed in Chrono updates?
GreyHead 21 Jul, 2009
Hi dmsflash,

If I (or some one else) find enough time to write a version that uses the Ajax interface yes, if not, probably no. It's not a part of the ChronoForms core code.

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