
My form validation isn't working?

GreyHead 19 Jul, 2009
Hi JimmyHill,

Your template is loading JQuery on the page and JQuery conflicts with the MooTools library used by Joomla and ChronoForms. If you view the form without the template you will find that the Validation works OK.

There are some directions in the forums here for modifying JQuery to work with MooTools.

JimmyHill 19 Jul, 2009
Many thanks, Greyhead, on the ball as ever!

Slightly as I feared (a js conflict). That JQuery thing took me so long to set up I think I'll live without validation for a bit. Or would that be wrong way?
GreyHead 19 Jul, 2009
Hi JimmyHill,

I'd probably go without the validation - or add a quick server-side check on really critical fields like an email address.

I think that the JQuery mod is fairly straightforward but I haven't done it myself so can't speak from any experience.

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