
Misplaced text "powered by chronoform"

vrpatil 18 Jul, 2009

I am using the custom made template for joomla. And chronoform for as custom form for registration.
When custom form is shown in Firefox, IE everything is fine. But in opera, the text at the bottom of custom form
page is shown out of website border,.i,e it is shown at the top of page as shown in attachment.

Any pointers to problem?
GreyHead 18 Jul, 2009
Hi vrpatil,

It's probably an unclosed div somewhere on the page.

vrpatil 18 Jul, 2009
Yeah could be, but I had similar problem with special characters @ and some html comments "-->".

if you notice "-->" could be the problem.
Bob any location in chronoform code where i can find this?
GreyHead 19 Jul, 2009
Hi vrpatil,

That all sounds very odd. The first place to check is in your form HTML. ChronoForms doesn't add a great deal beyond that - just the form tags and a footer I think.

Can you link to the form so that I can take a look?

Max_admin 19 Jul, 2009
Hi vrpatil,

please show us your form code OR try with a new simple form created using the wizard and see if you get the same problem ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
vrpatil 29 Jul, 2009
I deleted the complete form HTML code, but error still shows up.

waiting for your reply!
GreyHead 29 Jul, 2009
Hi vrpatil,

Can you link to the form so that I can take a look?

Max_admin 29 Jul, 2009
Hi vrpatil,

As I mentioned in your email, its a problem with your template, somehow the body is loaded between 2 comment tags after the body tag, this is a template problem! you can't see it in other pages because they don't have the same link as the form page!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
vrpatil 31 Jul, 2009
Hi Max,

Thanks. The problem was in template, which had some commented HTML + PHP code. So that was going wrong with Opera. This inserted some unwanted content before body tag start.
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