
Checkbox display error and Captcha not working

sanktity 17 Jul, 2009
When I place a checkbox field into a form with the Form Wizard, the text shows up right on top of the checkboxes.

Also, the captcha does not show up at all. (I tried removing the tool tip, but it still does not show up).
GreyHead 18 Jul, 2009
Hi sanktity,

The checkbox layout is most likely a CSS problem - hard to tell without seeing the page. And the imageverification images appear to be working at least on one of your sites.

GreyHead 19 Jul, 2009
Hi sanktity,

The checkboxes are a conflict in the CSS - there are at least four different CSS files all acting on those fields: ChronoForms. your template, RokChecks and some code in the page.

If you edit the ChronoForms style1.css look for this section
.form_element .check_label {
padding:0 10px 0 0;
and remove the padding line then the checkboxes show correctly. However this will affect any other labels on the page so probably isn't an ideal solution. You may need to change the class for the checkboxes using Rokchecks.

There is no imageverification code on tht page as far as I can see.

sanktity 21 Jul, 2009
I found the fix for the captcha. I forgot to enable it in the chronocontact form edit. >.<

As far as the css goes, I tried removing the padding line, but nothing happened.

Thanks again for your help.
sanktity 21 Jul, 2009
I found a new problem with the Captcha:

When I submit the form and purposefully leave the Captcha field blank or enter the wrong data, nothing happens. Also, the text that is supposed to display after the form is submitted only works on one form.

This is one of the forms where the captcha and the text do not work:

This is the form where only the captcha does not work:

I noticed that when the form is submitted with the Captcha wrong or blank, it just refreshes the page to a clear form and does not e-mail or store any info into the database.
sanktity 22 Jul, 2009
I just wanted to mention that we're going live with the site this Friday, so I would like to get the bugs fixed by then.

I truly appreciate all of your help so far.
sanktity 22 Jul, 2009
I fixed the checkbox error. Your fix worked, but I had to remove the padding from the .form_element .label as well. Thanks again!

All we need to fix now is the Captcha.

Any ideas why it's not working?
sanktity 23 Jul, 2009
I removed the captcha for now since I can't get it to work properly. I will create a temporary form that you can look at to help figure out the problem early next week.

Thanks again for all your help.
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