After I have collected information with ChronoForm, I want to send the message to a list i run by MailMan. But it doesnt get through.
If I change the To-field to me@ it arrives nicely.
I dont know which application stops my message, ChronoForm or MailMan. I get no error messages.
Anyone knows what the problem is?
Hi terjeset,
No idea - what do the MailMan docs say that it needs?
no mails solution will send the email when some url is accessed ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hi terjeset,
A few months ago we had a thread about sending emails to a list of addresses. I think in the end the user just created a simple little code loop to send them out.
I don't know anything at all about MailMan but most list managers have urls links/ APIs that allow users to subscribe and unsubscribe, few have links or APIs that allow the sending of bulk mail.
You might find a Joomla API that you can adapt to do this.
Can you say a bit more about the application?
Of some reason, the list was setup in digest modus. That means messages are stored and delivered once a day.
:oops: So, my fault. Sorry to have bothered you. Thank you for answering anyway.
Regards, Terje