
Drop down menu how to

thapriest 15 Jul, 2009
Dear all, i made a topic earlier, but it is gone?

Any way, i am looking for some usefull tips/guidance on the following:

I have two dropdown menus in my form one where a country is selected, and another where an accomodation is selected, what i want to create is that when you select a country the other dropdown menu only shows the accomodations relevant to the country that is selected.

I've seen some code snippets and posts around here, but i can't seem to really understand what it is that i need to do.

If anyone has some info/guidance i'd be so gratefull.

Thanks in advance,

GreyHead 15 Jul, 2009
Hi thapriest,

There are several examples in the forums here of linked drop-downs. Basically you need to write some JavaScript that will set the values of the second drop down depending on the selection in the first one. That's not too hard to do but it's not like falling off a log either.

A simpler solution is to create a multi-page form with the two drop-downs on separate pages, then you can do the processing in PHP on the server.

thapriest 20 Jul, 2009

Thanks for your fast reply, found some usefull tips afterall wich i will be working on.
Problem now is that i can't do that until my forms are displayed again:(.

I have used joomlapack to backup my joomla site and replaced on our new host, everything works fine(after a whole lot off hassle) except when i make a menu link to the forms i created"belmij" en "weddingaanvraag" it comes with the error"There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management ".
Now i found out that the link in forms management differs from the one the menu is going to.
When i click a form in the menu it goes to :http://www."".eu/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&Itemid=62 but the link in the forms management go to: /index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=weddingaanvraag .
Now i do believe it is an SEF error somewehere, but when i enable SEF i'm getting a internal 500.
I have no idea what is causing this problem.

Plz help.
Edit: When i tried to create a new form for testing purposes, i say that chronoforms is messed up, form wizard doesn't show the images and can't do anything in there, i tried uninstalling chronoforms and reinstalling but no result(i'm using the latest version, rc5.3).
I just was just so psyched about this component:) i'm sure it's not in CF, but something i'm doing wrong.
GreyHead 21 Jul, 2009
Hi thapriest,

This sounds like a base url or path problem with the setup on the new server. Maybe you need to flush the SEO URL cache and re-create it (that often helps with sh404sef)?

thapriest 22 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob,

I only used the standard joomla sef function.
I got chronoforms wordking properly again in the admin side , but the forms still give me there is no form message.
I even tried to delete all forms(after backuping them) and restored them. but nothing seems to work.
I don't know how the flush the url cache in the standard joomla sef?

thapriest 23 Jul, 2009
Well , i installed a complete new joomla, added some content back through sql.
Installed CF again and restored forms.

The Strange thing is that when i acces the form through published mainmenu on the leftside, the form opens.
When i acces it through the mainmenu that i have inserted in a flash header(it just puts the menu in the flash header, it is not changing it's configuration.) i get the there is no form message again.

I found out that when the form works the url is:

When accessed through the flasheader it adds & to the url like this:

In the past few weeks i have been able to acces these same forms through the flash header?
Anyone an idea what could be causing this?

Thanks in advance

GreyHead 24 Jul, 2009
Hi thapriest,

Sorry, I've no idea and your site is down for maintenance so I can't take a look.

Replacing & with & in the actual url will break it - I don't know why that should change in your flash header though.

thapriest 27 Aug, 2009
All Problems Fixed;)
Thanks for helping out Bob, reaally appreciate!

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