
no field validation works !

Rose-N 15 Jul, 2009
sorry for my poor english !
I'm using Joomla 1.5.12
and I installed on it.

I did 2 forms and none of them seems to work, as far as validation is concerned...

one of my form is containing only 1 field for email
so I put : enable validation Yes
and the id/name of this field in required and validate-email

I can submit my form and the email is sent.
but no validation works. (so I can submit the form without anything in my field, or with something which is not in a email format)
did I forget to put something in the configuration of the form ?

thanx in advance for reply.
GreyHead 15 Jul, 2009
Hi Rose-N,

Please post a link to the form(s).

CyberCr33p 15 Jul, 2009
If you want to check my link it's here:

<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
GreyHead 15 Jul, 2009
Hi CyberCr33p,

Your form isn't loading any of the ChronoForms validation scripts. I'd guess that Validation is set to No on the validaton tab.

CyberCr33p 15 Jul, 2009
Ι enable it and it still doesn't work like it should.

I recreate my form using the wizard and the new form works fine.
GreyHead 15 Jul, 2009
Hi Rose_N,

The validation JavaScript isn't being loaded correctly for either form.

If it's Ok with you please will you PM or email me a SuperAdmin logon so that I can take a look.


PS Vous pouvez écrire en français si c'est plus facile
Rose-N 15 Jul, 2009
Hi and thanx for your help

before sending you a super adminitrator log, here are some infos which can be important.

as I have already used Chronoforms in another website, and it works, I compared the two sites.

the site whose form works uses :
- joomla 1.5.10
- component Chrono COntact 3.1RC4.11
- Module mod_chronocontact 1.2/V1RC4.11
the form is published via the module

the site where it doesn't work uses :
- joomla 1.5.12
- component Chrono COntact 3.1RC4.11
- NO Module installed
- plugin V3.1RC5.2
the forms are publied via an article with the code

let me know if this is why it doesn't work
and how to solve the problem

if not, I'll send you a PM...
Max_admin 15 Jul, 2009
Hi Rose,

please get RC5.3 for the new site, and check to see if the latest plugin is RC5.2 or RC5.3 and if there is a new version then get it too!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Rose-N 16 Jul, 2009
Hi and thanx for that !
the upgrade of the component works !
the validation of the fields works correctly.
thanx again !
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