
XML playlist

eturko 14 Jul, 2009
i need to build a playlist that changes everyday, so i build a form with this code (10 video items, 3 items each, Title, description and file name):
      <input name="titulo01" type="text" id="titulo01" value="Titulo 1er. Video" size="50">
    <input name="descripcion01" type="text" id="titulo02" value="Descripcion 1er. Video" size="50">
    <input name="archivo01" type="text" id="titulo2" value="Archivo 1er. Video" size="50">
      <input name="titulo02" type="text" id="titulo01" value="Titulo 2do. Video" size="50">
    <input name="descripcion02" type="text" id="titulo02" value="Descripcion 2do. Video" size="50">
    <input name="archivo02" type="text" id="titulo2" value="Archivo 2do. Video" size="50">
      <input name="titulo03" type="text" id="titulo01" value="Titulo 3er. Video" size="50">
    <input name="descripcion03" type="text" id="titulo02" value="Descripcion 3er. Video" size="50">
    <input name="archivo03" type="text" id="titulo2" value="Archivo 3er. Video" size="50">
      <input name="titulo04" type="text" id="titulo01" value="Titulo 4to. Video" size="50">
    <input name="descripcion04" type="text" id="titulo02" value="Descripcion 4to. Video" size="50">
    <input name="archivo04" type="text" id="titulo2" value="Archivo 4to. Video" size="50">
      <input name="titulo05" type="text" id="titulo01" value="Titulo 5to. Video" size="50">
    <input name="descripcion05" type="text" id="titulo02" value="Descripcion 5to. Video" size="50">
    <input name="archivo05" type="text" id="titulo2" value="Archivo 5to. Video" size="50">
      <input name="titulo06" type="text" id="titulo01" value="Titulo 6to. Video" size="50">
    <input name="descripcion06" type="text" id="titulo02" value="Descripcion 6to. Video" size="50">
    <input name="archivo06" type="text" id="titulo2" value="Archivo 6to. Video" size="50">
      <input name="titulo07" type="text" id="titulo01" value="Titulo 7mo. Video" size="50">
    <input name="descripcion07" type="text" id="titulo02" value="Descripcion 7mo. Video" size="50">
    <input name="archivo07" type="text" id="titulo2" value="Archivo 7mo. Video" size="50">
      <input name="titulo08" type="text" id="titulo01" value="Titulo 8vo. Video" size="50">
    <input name="descripcion08" type="text" id="titulo02" value="Descripcion 8vo. Video" size="50">
    <input name="archivo08" type="text" id="titulo2" value="Archivo 8vo. Video" size="50">
      <input name="titulo09" type="text" id="titulo01" value="Titulo 9no. Video" size="50">
    <input name="descripcion09" type="text" id="titulo02" value="Descripcion 9no. Video" size="50">
    <input name="archivo09" type="text" id="titulo2" value="Archivo 9no. Video" size="50">
      <input name="titulo10" type="text" id="titulo01" value="Titulo 10mo. Video" size="50">
    <input name="descripcion10" type="text" id="titulo02" value="Descripcion 10mo. Video" size="50">
    <input name="archivo10" type="text" id="titulo2" value="Archivo 10mo. Video" size="50">
      <input type="submit" name="enviar" id="enviar" value="Enviar">

i also build this template:
<rss version="2.0" 
		<title>Ultimos Videos de Link TV</title>
			<media:content url="../../images/stories/videos/{archivo01}.flv" />
			<media:thumbnail url="../../images/stories/videos/mini/linktv.jpg" />
			<media:content url="../../images/stories/videos/{archivo02}.flv" />
			<media:thumbnail url="../../images/stories/videos/mini/linktv.jpg" />
			<media:content url="../../images/stories/videos/{archivo03}.flv" />
			<media:thumbnail url="../../images/stories/videos/mini/linktv.jpg" />
			<media:content url="../../images/stories/videos/{archivo04}.flv" />
			<media:thumbnail url="../../images/stories/videos/mini/linktv.jpg" />
			<media:content url="../../images/stories/videos/{archivo05}.flv" />
			<media:thumbnail url="../../images/stories/videos/mini/linktv.jpg" />
			<media:content url="../../images/stories/videos/{archivo06}.flv" />
			<media:thumbnail url="../../images/stories/videos/mini/linktv.jpg" />
			<media:content url="../../images/stories/videos/{archivo07}.flv" />
			<media:thumbnail url="../../images/stories/videos/mini/linktv.jpg" />
			<media:content url="../../images/stories/videos/{archivo08}.flv" />
			<media:thumbnail url="../../images/stories/videos/mini/linktv.jpg" />
			<media:content url="../../images/stories/videos/{archivo09}.flv" />
			<media:thumbnail url="../../images/stories/videos/mini/linktv.jpg" />
			<media:content url="../../images/stories/videos/{archivo10}.flv" />
			<media:thumbnail url="../../images/stories/videos/mini/linktv.jpg" />

cos i need the result mail/file looks like that to send it via ftp (or any other idea)...

My variables are {tituloXX}, {descripcionXX} and {archivoXX}.. but when a save the form all the code in the template its missing and a just get the clean HTMl results.. so im stuck

the mail i get is like this:

xmlns:media=""  xmlns:jwplayer="">  Ultimos Videos de Link TV  Titulo 1er. Video Descripcion 1er. Video.     Titulo 2do. Video Descripcion 2do. Video.     Titulo 3er. Video Descripcion 3er. Video.     Titulo 4to. Video Descripcion 4to. Video.     Titulo 5to. Video Descripcion 5to. Video.     Titulo 6to. Video Descripcion 6to. Video.     Titulo 7mo. Video Descripcion 7mo. Video.     Titulo 8vo. Video Descripcion 8vo. Video.     Titulo 9no. Video Descripcion 9no. Video.     Titulo 10mo. Video Descripcion 10mo. Video.

Thx in advance from Argentinien Patagonia..!
Max_admin 14 Jul, 2009
Hola eturko,

if the problem you face is the data lost from the email template, then I suggest you switch "using the email template editor" to NO under the Email properties area and you will be able to add the template code in text mode which will not remove the extra code!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
eturko 15 Jul, 2009
Hi Max.. thx in advance for your help. i tried that... still similar (but not the same.. the positions in the received mail r ok)... but all my <item> <title> <description> etc get lost.. i also put the emailformat under properties in plain text... still the same.. turning off the email template help me getting rid of the wysiwyg editor.. so im not losing code anymore when im save the form.. 1 step closer... im just not receiving the email correctly.. maybe there is another way to do this.. i just need to get the file.. maybe write straight to a file or in de DB and then exporting (im not saying, just brainstorming..😉)

Thx again Max..

Max_admin 15 Jul, 2009
Hi eturko,

well, I'm not sure but try to use the html entities version of the XML code ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
eturko 16 Jul, 2009
Thx again for the quick reply--- im not quite sure the way u suggest me to do this... im still trying (all day?) no solution yet... i gonna keep trying cos i need this... thx a lot, again...

Max_admin 16 Jul, 2009
Hi, don't try with the whole string, start with a piece like:

<rss version="2.0"
      <title>Ultimos Videos de Link TV</title>

then see what you get, if it doesn't work then replace all < by < and all > by > and see if you get what you want ? I remember that I passed by this issue before but can't remember now what was the exact correct solution...😑

Feliz suerte and let us know what you find!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
eturko 16 Jul, 2009
;).. i owe and asado (argentinien BBQ, but u cant compare!) cos its Worked... i received a messy file, meaning no spaces or fancy straight format.. but everything is there, uploaded by ftp and thats it.. worked...😉

So nothing more to say around here.. gonna tray to send this straight to the folder it should be or download it, cos im still need to copy the received email text and make a new blank xml file each time..

Thx Max.. u help me a lot

eturko 16 Jul, 2009
Ups... i get inside the form to edit it again some minor things.. save it.. test it... not working again.. so i check back de email template and its back to the "wrong html" code. So i re paste again the code with the changed characters and worked again.. looks like im gonn leave just like that.. i read some post about having issues in the email propertie in the mail setup, maybe is the some bug (bug?).... let u know if i find something else...

GreyHead 16 Jul, 2009
Hi eturko,

I'm not sure that the mailer will accept rss/xml as valid html to create a message.

eturko 16 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob.. thx for your reply...
i just need to get this as a raw txt file.. right now im copying the text that i received by mail and paste it in the videos.xml file im using.. of course that work but would be great for "lazyness" to auto this a little bit more... still.. great advance so far so im very happy with the results..


GreyHead 16 Jul, 2009
Hi eturko,

Where does the file need to end up? It might be easier to do it directly? Or possibly to send the xml file as an attachement to the email?

GreyHead 18 Jul, 2009
Hi eturko,

I took a quick look at the application and I'm pretty certian that the route that I would go is to add code in the OnSubmit boxes to build the xml file and copy it directly to a folder on the server, that makes the whole thing much easier.

You could go one step further and pre-load the info from the current file into the form as well . . .

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