
One field not recalling

buckwheatpie 14 Jul, 2009

I have designed a form where local enviornmental projects can submit their information, which i'm currently testing - the various fields (ProjectName, ProjectEmail etc) are all functioning nicely.

However, the ProjectDesc field (project description) does not autofill when i click "edit record" (on the frontend).

Here is the code for ProjectDesc:
<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_textbox">
<p><big><b>Detailed description</b></big><br>
<p>Please describe your project, including details of how volunteers can get involved. Free text, up to 2000 characters. </p>

    <textarea class="cf_inputbox required" maxlength="2000" 

rows=30 cols=60  title="Free text, up to 2000 characters. Please include details of how volunteers can get involved" id="text_9" 

name="ProjectDesc" type="text" />

I amended the table using PhpMyAdmin so the field is of type VARCHAR(2000).

This is the only field that i used textarea for - is this the prob? I'd rather have used a WYSIWYG editor for this field, but i'm a bigger and storing the data struck me as quite complicated, and this seemed like a simpler solution!

buckwheatpie 14 Jul, 2009
Oh yeah, also when submitting a project using the form, if the user puts in the incorrect Captcha, then all the other fields autofill with the original entries EXCEPT ProjectDesc as well - probably the same cause here too.

It's particualrly frustrating as this is a long field that the user could have spent quite a while filling in!

GreyHead 14 Jul, 2009
Hi buckwheatpie,

It's almost certainly the / at the end of the opening tag. There are a few minor things that might just cause problems too. Please try this code
<textarea class="cf_inputbox required" maxlength="2000" rows='30' cols='60'
title="Free text, up to 2000 characters. Please include details of how volunteers can get involved" 
id="ProjectDesc" name="ProjectDesc" ></textarea>
I've removed the slash; quoted the rows & cols; matched the id & name and removed the type='text' (which isn't valid for textarea).

buckwheatpie 14 Jul, 2009
Grand! thank you. i'm learning a lot here...
buckwheatpie 24 Jul, 2009
OK, so i'm still having problems with this...

I made the changes suggested by Bob, but still the textarea field isn't recalling in edit_record, or when the captcha is entered incorrectly. All the other fields recall no problem.

Here is the code - the same as bob's suggestion:
<textarea class="cf_inputbox required" maxlength="2000" rows='20' cols='60'
    title="Free text, up to 2000 characters. Please include details of how volunteers can get involved"
    id="ProjectDesc" name="ProjectDesc" >

i've gone through everything and can't see where the prob could be - any more pointers anyone?
GreyHead 24 Jul, 2009
Hi buckwheatpie,

It looks as though that should be OK. If the form is online and it's OK with you please PM or Email me a SuperaAdmin login and I'll take a quick look and see if I can spot anything.

Max_admin 27 Jul, 2009
Hi buckwheatpie,

Please contact me to get the latest Connectivity release and retry, please send a link to this post with your message, you can do this through the contact us page NOT the PM here!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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