
configure email in the admin area

liypfhe1 14 Jul, 2009
i have set up my emails in my forum but now i am getting this message when i fill them out and send them

Hey admin, you need to configure the email addresses in the admin area for the real form to be sent to YOU

i do however get the confirmation sent to the email to address of the person filling out the form ... please help
GreyHead 14 Jul, 2009
HI liypfhe1,

You've modified or copied the BasicDemo form - edit the "On Submit code - after sending email" box on the FOrm Code tab to remove this message.

fawyd 25 Sep, 2009
Hi GreyHead

well, I have the same problem. Know that it depend on the onSubmit but what should I insert there?
Hope you can help a chronoforms newbie ;-)
Well think that chronoforms can do a lot for my page... so a big thx to you for this tool (I will spend some money...great tool)

Greetings from Switzerland
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