
Redirect: Keep lang var?

ronze 13 Jul, 2009
Hey everyone

I've searched the forums for a while but there's no simple explanation on how to do this.

I've created a thank you page an translated it with Joomfish. When I press the form submit button, then the language is removed. If I have chosen a spanish language, then when I press the form, the language will go back to default.

I saw somewhere that you can set the redirecturl in php code, but how can I do this? Then I could just use this:

    $lang = &JFactory::getLanguage();
    $redirecturl = "someredirecturl.php?lang=".$lang->get('name');

GreyHead 13 Jul, 2009
Hi ronze,

The easy way os to use that code on the Thank you page with a switch
switch ($lang) {
case 'Spanish':
  echo 'Thank you in Spanish';
case 'English':
  echo 'Thank you in English';

ronze 13 Jul, 2009
Yes, but that kind of breaks the idea of managing all translations with Joomfish. Because if it's not a simple thank you page, but a rather advanced one, Joomfish will to the job prettier.

My solution was to enter this code in the onSubmit field:

   $myForm->formrow->redirecturl .= '&lang='.JRequest::getVar('lang','en');

It appends the current language to the redirect url.
GreyHead 13 Jul, 2009
Hi ronze,

That looks good, thank you.

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