
CSS styles not showing up... EXCEPT in Debug information

pixelfrog 10 Jul, 2009
Hi All,

Relative newbie to ChronoForms, great component, although there's a bit of a learning curve.

My external form styles are not showing up in my form. However when I submit my form with the Debug function on the debug info shows the form as it should be. Some styles may be showing up while others, mainly containers for the different sections of the form are not.

Does this have to do with some of the external form styles being ID's and not Classes?

Here's the form...

Also is there anyway within ChronoForms to send an email copy of the form data to the person filling out the form?

Thanks all!
GreyHead 31 Jul, 2009
Hi Pixelfrog,

Yes - it has to do with your form html not having the same classes as the ChronoForms tags.

And yes, you can send an email to the user using the Dynamic To field in the Email Setup.

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