
player's identification sheet

guytou13 09 Jul, 2009
I shall want to create Players' identification sheet (name, first name, photo, and the other information) with chronoforms, via a form and database and then to have these player's dynamic players' identification sheet in joomla, every player could with login staff update these cards via a form chronoforms
I hope that you will have understood in spite of my pitiful English
thank you
GreyHead 09 Jul, 2009
Bonjour guytou13,

You can do this. The submit-content form (a download from the downloads area here) will let you post form contents directly to a Joomla article for each player if this is what you want.

Or, you could keep the player sheets separate and use ChronoConnectivity to show a list of players with links that will display the player's info.

guytou13 09 Jul, 2009
hello Bob,
Thanks, I am going to try
best regards
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