
Form info not coming in email

dkshow 08 Jul, 2009
I confess I'm a n00b and am a bit lost.

I built my form in the formcode area because I had it mostly done any way in html. It looks great and the emails get sent great except that the info doesn't get included in the email. Basically just a blank form gets emailed. Any clues?

Here are the debug notes:

Form passed first SPAM check OK
Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
$_POST Array: Array ( [printing] => full [type] => other [typeother] => Testing input bosx [colors] => full [othercolors] => [paper] => flat [papercolor] => [paperbrand] => [art] => yes [fold] => tri [otherfold] => [height] => [width] => [foldedheight] => [foldedwidth] => [pages] => [binding] => stitch [shape] => [qty] => [otherinfo] => [rfqpo] => [company] => [contact] => [phone] => [email] => [fax] => [e6379b352615c6d0a8c5331bf858cac2] => 1 [1cf1] => 50d695e0c2e42d1ab4b44d0d4c4092f6 [chronoformname] => test )
$_FILES Array: Array ( )
Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
An email has been SENT successfully from (Web) to [email][/email]
Debug End
Redirect link set, click to test:

Any help would be super appreciated.
GreyHead 09 Jul, 2009
Hi Keith,

This looks OK. There should be a dummy email below this on the debug page - what is showing in that?

If there is not data then probably something is wrong with the email template. Do the field-names there match up with the names in your form?

Rupeni 13 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob,

Have a similar problem with form info not coming in email just a blank mail with the IP address and the email details. The debug info is as below. The email response on submit is also showing correctly. Appreciate your assistance please.

Form passed first SPAM check OK
Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
$_POST Array: Array ( [First_Name:] => Mad [Last_Name:] => Max [E-Mail:] => [email][/email] [Country_of_residence:] => Fiji [Phone:] => 6797073872 [check0] => Array ( [0] => Yes ) [If_YES_to_above,_please_select_preferred_contact_mode:] => E-Mail [check1] => Array ( [0] => Yes ) [Date:] => 30/09/2009 [No__of_Adults] => 1 [No__of_Children] => Nil [Comments] => [chrono_verification] => j2X3V [button_17] => Submit [f02768ecbbddc6f4f0b2420111d01394] => 1 [1cf1] => 1dc7b1465c9f06a96fe913b72090b384 [chronoformname] => Enquiries_Form )
$_FILES Array: Array ( )
Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
An email has been SENT successfully from ()admin@[mydomain].com to administrator@[mydomain].com
Debug End

Thanks in advance.
GreyHead 13 Jul, 2009
Hi Rupeni,

Please remove the colons, dashes and commas (and any other special characters except underscores) from the field names.

Rupeni 13 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob,

Thanks for the prompt reply - appreciated! Have made changes with no luck. Revised debug as below.

Form passed first SPAM check OK
Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
$_POST Array: Array ( [First_Name] => Mad [Last_Name] => Max [Email] => rupenif@[clientdomain] [Country_of_residence] => Fiji [Phone] => 67970869 [check0] => Array ( [0] => Yes ) [Please_select_preferred_contact_mode] => Email [check1] => Array ( [0] => Yes ) [Date] => 30/07/2009 [No_of_Adults] => 1 [No_of_Children] => Nil [Comments] => [chrono_verification] => uxW9N [button_17] => Submit [f02768ecbbddc6f4f0b2420111d01394] => 1 [1cf1] => 1dc7b1465c9f06a96fe913b72090b384 [chronoformname] => Enquiries_Form )
$_FILES Array: Array ( )
Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
An email has been SENT successfully from ()rupenif@[mydomain] to administrator@[mydomain].com
Debug End

GreyHead 13 Jul, 2009
Hi tupeni,

Thanks - that's one cause removed.

What is in the Email template? You may need to open the HTML viewer in the editor to see exactly what's there.

Rupeni 13 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob,

Many thanks again for the prompt reply and guidance, much appreciated! Must be the late hour, fixed it...the underscore on the 3rd field_name was missing.

Thanks again!
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