
Problem with new installation - can't create or edit

rwconsultancy 08 Jul, 2009
I've just installed Chronoforms and am having difficulties.

I can see the basicDemo on the Forms Management page, and the Link brings it up correctly in the template. However, if I try to edit it I just get a blank screen; similarly if I try to create a new form.

Can anyone give me a clue as to what's wrong? Thanks.
rwconsultancy 08 Jul, 2009
Update: I'm only having the problem on my localhost server - the live installation seems to be ok.

The localhost is running on a MAMP system. I found the posts relating to gzip compression and made sure that that is turned off (it was anyway). Turning it on made no difference either.

Now that I know that CF is working on the live server things aren't quite as bleak as they were an hour ago, but it would still be nice to have it working locally.

Joomla 1.5.10, CF 3.1 RC5.3
GreyHead 09 Jul, 2009
Hi rwconslutancy,

Sorry, there's not much I can suggest. I'm running on a WAMP system without any problems, don't have an Mac to test with. Could be some odd javascript problem on Safari I guess though it's Ok on my PC.

bepos 16 Jul, 2009

i think i have kind of the same problem. I have upgraded chronoforms from a 3.0 to 3.1 RC5.3. Both on my local-webserver and the live-website. The local webserver is OpenSUSE10.3 and XAMPP. There it's working fine.
Only on the live site in the CMS when i click on components -> Chronoforms (administrator/index.php?option=com_chronocontact)or components -> Chronoforms -> Forms Management (index.php?option=com_chronocontact&act=all)i get a blank screen.
All other CF-options work just fine. I've waited for a week now, thought maybe it was a caching problem. But the problem is still there.

My joomla version is 1.5.12

Any suggestions? Maybe Joomla-version related? Or a corrupt cf-table? Though the forms work just fine on the website.

Kind regards,

sfuery 16 Jul, 2009
I've got the same problem as Mark - a blank screen when selecting "Forms Management". Strangely I can select the other menu items (Form Wizard, Wizard Elements, Menu Creator & Menu Remover), and they appear OK.

And yes, it's on my local MAMP environment too, running Joomla 1.5.12. I have access to a Win2k test server at my host, so I'll upload the lot to see if it's a local issue, but over-the-wire development is just a tad slow for me.

I installed CF3 using the "Install from Directory" option on the Joomla Extension Manager/Install menu, not as a package file, if that makes any difference.

GreyHead 16 Jul, 2009
Hi Steve,

I suspect that this links to a Joomla problem with the RSS feed that Max has added for 'Hint of the Day'. Please click the Parameters icon in the ChronoForms toolbar and disable the tip of the day.

bepos 16 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob,

but..... how do i get into the chronoforms toolbar when i only have a blank screen?

kind regards,

GreyHead 16 Jul, 2009
Hi Mark,

Hmm good question . . . Max posted this link a couple of days ago. Seems to work on my test site.

Replace with the info for your site.


PS If this doesn't work than you can use PHPMyAdmin to edit the jos_components table, look for the params column in the Chrono Contact record and set showtipoftheday=0
bepos 16 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob,

great!!!! that did the job!!!

Thanks a lot. Now i can continue using CF as i used to.

Kind regards,

sfuery 16 Jul, 2009
Thanks Bob,

It worked for me too! I just pasted the URL in after logging in and viola. I certainly can't complain about the support!

sfuery 07 Oct, 2009
I now have the same problem with the live site: a blank screen appears as soon as I select any of the Chronoforms options from the Components menu.

The server is running IIS 6.0, the Joomla version is 1.5.14 and 'Show tip of the day' is disabled. Last night I even updated to RC5.5 from RC5.3 (without uninstalling 5.3 first, as per the instructions).

Any ideas?
GreyHead 07 Oct, 2009
Hi sfuery,

Could be a problem with ChronoForms and IIS; could be that there's an old script in the cache if you've upgraded; could be something else???

sfuery 11 Oct, 2009
Hi Bob,

I spoke to my host and he said they hadn't used caches for a couple of years. Could the memory allocation setting in php.ini have any effect on this? Not sure what else to suggest.

Incidentally, the survey form is working on the front end. It's just the back end menu that's causing a blank screen.

GreyHead 11 Oct, 2009
Hi sfuery,

Please clear your browser cache or try a different browser.

sfuery 12 Oct, 2009
Hi Bob,

I tried a few different browsers (FF3, IE8, Chrome) all with empty caches, with unfortunately the same result. IE actually gave a little more info, throwing up a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error, pointing to either a site maintenance or programming issue.

If you want to access the backend for a look, just let me know. I'll see if my host can trace it further too (as I'm none too familiar with IIS).


GreyHead 12 Oct, 2009
Hi Steve,

You still know more about IIS than I do, but by all means PM or email me a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

GreyHead 13 Oct, 2009
Hi Steve,

Basically the installation is ******

I set site Error Reporting to Maximum and got a couple of error messages

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in C:\Domains\\wwwroot\administrator\components\com_chronocontact\admin.chronocontact.php on line 214

I installed ExTplorer to take a look and the file was badly corrupted. I copied in a good version and saved it, then got this message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in C:\Domains\\wwwroot\administrator\components\com_chronocontact\admin.chronocontact.html.php on line 8

I fixed this one too and the Forms Manager now shows but I have no idea what other files might be damaged.

Probably best to check with a file comparison tool and update any files that look suspect.

sfuery 13 Oct, 2009
Hi Bob,

Thanks for the great support! I'm downloading FileMerge as I write this, so I'll have a look at the rest of the installation . Oh, and I'll validate the licence too!

Again, thanks,

sfuery 21 Oct, 2009
Hi Bob,

Having not previously performed a file comparison, I'm a little out of my depth and would perhaps spend more time on this than I wanted to. So I'm going to head down the path of a full CF uninstall/reinstall. It's not clear how the current setup became corrupted (perhaps the 'upgrade' to 5.5/IIS?), but hopefully a fresh install will iron out any problems. I really appreciate your help to date.


GreyHead 21 Oct, 2009
Hi Steve,

Could be either a bad upload or install or a server hiccup - but odd that two (or more) files should be so badly corrupted.


PS On my PC I use Directory Opus to compare folders. It has an FTP connection but FTP syncing is slow so usually I make a local copy of the suspect folder and then compare that with a known good one.
sfuery 25 Oct, 2009
Hi Bob,

Still scratching my head unfortunately. I uninstalled CF from the site, downloaded fresh versions of the component, module and plugin, then FTP'd them up to the server and installed them (in that order). Attempting to open Forms Management from the Chronoforms Component menu and the following error message appeared:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '"' in C:\Domains\\wwwroot\administrator\components\com_chronocontact\admin.chronocontact.php on line 24

So I copied in the version from my hard drive that I just downloaded (104,069 bytes), and overwrote the one on the server (82,591 bytes). I noticed that the file's size now reported on the server is 106,855 bytes. Another attempt at Forms Management saw a new error appear:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in C:\Domains\\wwwroot\administrator\components\com_chronocontact\admin.chronocontact.html.php on line 21

So I replaced the offending file on the server (154,503 bytes) with one from my hard drive (267,427 bytes), and once again the reported size of the new file on the server 167,983 bytes. Are the differences in size due to the different file systems (Mac OSX local vs. NTFS on the server)?
After replacing this second file, another look at the Forms Management option produced this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in C:\Domains\\wwwroot\administrator\components\com_chronocontact\admin.chronocontact.html.php on line 10

....which is in the file I just replaced, so I'm baffled. I'm assuming many other Chronoforms users run on IIS, so I can't see where the problem lies.

Any thoughts?


GreyHead 25 Oct, 2009
Hi Steve,

The only thoughts that I have are that there's some serious file corruption going on for no obvious reason.

These are plain text files they should transfer without any great problem.

In my version - which may have been tweaked a bit admin.chronocontact.php is 101kb (103,707 bytes) with the on-disk size as 128kb (131,072 bytes) and admin.chronocontact.html.php is 257kb (263,203 bytes) and on-disk 288kb (294,912 bytes)

I think the differences allow for cluser size on the disk.

So your local sizes look about right, the on-server ones are clearly too small.

If you can e-mail me an FTP logon to the server then I can run a comparison and see if I can see any pattern.

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