
HELP! Confirmation page...again...with RC5.3!

Phil91 07 Jul, 2009
Hi both,

Me again.

I updtaed the component to RC5.3, checked my form again and figured that, as I indicated already to Max, it looks like I have a problem with the captcha probably because of some other modules I believe. No sweat, no time to figure since my system is live.
What's most problematic is that I realized tonight that the Submit/Back buttons from the confirmation page NEVER got displayed...Especially weirs since I'm trying to have the folks confirm before validating their registration...
Since Ihad no time to see what can cause the collision (which did not happen with 5.2) I went into the confirmation php file and commented out the if statement which checks if the buttons are set to Yes, but I am not sure I like this...

Can anyone let me know if my install is really a problem or if there's something wrong out there?

Can recreate an account for you to check what happens...

Thanks to both of you and kenavo to Greyhead (-:

GreyHead 08 Jul, 2009
Degemer mad, Philippe,

I'm not really sure, I haven't used the Conformation Page plugin much.

By all means PM or email me a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a look later today.

Phil91 08 Jul, 2009
Done...Sent you a PM...
As far as I can tell with my limited knowledge of php is that it looks like the confirmation page setup has been changed and the Buttons Yes/No dropdown has been replaced with radiobuttons but the code seems to need some small tweaking (-:

micaela_ara 15 Jul, 2009
Hi all
I’m facing a similar problem too. I’ve created and set up the whole form (including the activation form in the confirmation page – plugin sheet – with value 1), and then I set up externally (from the side panel under “forms management) the confirmation page.

I flagged the option “Disable WYSYWIG editor on NO and the option “Show buttons” with YES. I left untouched the names of the default’s buttons,

I’ve then created the material for the Confirmation Page but – when it is created – there are not the buttons “submit” nor “back”.

Should I insert them manually in the confirmation page or – as it used to work on the older versions – they will appear automatically?
GreyHead 16 Jul, 2009
Hi micaela_ara,

I left a bug in the confirmation page plugin in the latest release package.

Please unzip the attached file and copy cf_confirmation_page.php to the components/com_chronocontact/plugins folder

micaela_ara 16 Jul, 2009
Thanks so much Bob, you are an angel 🤣 🤣 🤣
eurnie 22 Jul, 2009
Hi, I was suffering this problem aswel, and now the buttons work. thnx.
However still some issues remaining:

1) Submit Button is located left and Back button right. Any way to turn them around?
2) If you put a value in for these buttons when configuring, aren't they supposed to show this value in the buttons? or is this value for something else. (if I change the name in these values, both buttons are still the same as standard, but suddenly act both as "back" buttons)
Phil91 23 Jul, 2009
Very true...

I think that some explanation needs to be given here:
You can apparently change the LABEL of the buttons, but if you do so, it looks like the code does not work as it should: if you change the Submit label to anything else, the underlying code doesn't understand it anymore and assumes that if it's not Submit, then it must be Back...I guess that the code should rely on the button index rather than on the button label, or the label should be somewhat indexed...

Another one for Bob and Max (-:

I'll dig into it...This could be a starting point for my php learning curve...

GreyHead 23 Jul, 2009
Hi Philippe,

As far as changing the order of the buttons, you'll need to hack the plugin file cf_confirmation_page.php around line 329 you'll find:
		if ( $params->get('buttons') ) {
            <div class="form_element cf_button">
            	<input type="submit" name="confirm" value="Submit"/>
                <input type="submit" name="confirm" value="Back"/>
But given this is the code used I can't see that the parameter names are being used :-(

Phil91 24 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob,

But given this is the code used I can't see that the parameter names are being used

This is where the problem is: let's say that you want your button labels to be "Bob" instead of Submit and "Max" instead of "Back", as I guess we all understood it, you would want to define these labels as such in the Confirmation plugin params as on the attached shot.


Turns out that, first, they do not seem to be used and, second, if you enter ANYTHING else then they don't work anymore....

Surprisingly from the code excerpt you displayed, nothing seems to indicate that you can't use any other label....

Don't know if this is what you understood from my previous message which is why I thought I would better document this...


GreyHead 16 Sep, 2009
Hi Phil,

Sorry it's taken so long to get back to this.

Here is an updated version of the cf_confirmation_page.php file to go in the components/com_chronocontent/plugins folder
and an updater helper file plugin.php that goes in administrator/components/com_chronocontent/helpers (this fixes a second problem with 'No' values not saving correctly).

gfxistic 25 Sep, 2009
don't know if it is a personal setting around somewhere, but in my case (standard everything) the confirmation page has a huge security gap, if i use the {value} system and insert <script>whateveriliketoscriptinhere</script> it runs some fine xss on the confirmation page.
Just wanted you guys to know 🙂
GreyHead 25 Sep, 2009
Hi gfxistic,

Security gap or a feature depending which way you view it. ChronoForms does no input validation but leaves it to the developer almost everywhere. We'd always recommend that you validate the input, or use the the Joomla JRequest filters before using anything.

Next time I look at the Confirmation Page code I'll see if we can't make the filter a default option.

gfxistic 30 Sep, 2009
No problem, i did some input validation so that's no problem, only for beginner users this could may be an issue.
But again thanks for this extension, makes joomla a lot more fun. 😀
micaela_ara 05 Oct, 2009
Hi all,

I have a problem in saving in database tables, after submit on confirmation page.

I created one form, where there’s a text area (type: longtext), and its number of rows is 250 (max 3 papers in A4 format).

Even if on screen I see all the text, when I press the confirm button in the confirmation page, the database table saves only four rows of it.

I modified the code in the plugin.php file.

This is the original code:

// initialise plugin setup
$attribs = array();
$attribs['input'] = array('maxlength' => '150', 'size' => '80', 'class' => 'text_area' );
$attribs['textarea'] = array('cols' => '50', 'rows' => '8' );
$attribs['header'] = array('colspan' => '4', 'class' => 'cf_header');
$attribs['select'] = array('class' => 'cf_select');

My new code is:

// initialise plugin setup
$attribs = array();
$attribs['input'] = array('maxlength' => '150', 'size' => '80', 'class' => 'text_area' );
$attribs['textarea'] = array('cols' => '50', 'rows' => '250' );
$attribs['header'] = array('colspan' => '4', 'class' => 'cf_header');
$attribs['select'] = array('class' => 'cf_select');

In the file cf_confirmation_page.php (components/com_chronocontent/plugins) I changed the code (line 85)

$row->extra1, array('cols' => '85', 'rows' => '250' ), false, true, array('colspan' => '4') );

Is there a suitable solution for me?
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
GreyHead 05 Oct, 2009
Hi micaela_ara,

The change you've made will just give you a very big text area box on your screen - it doesn't change what is saved in the database.

My guess is that the database column is defined as type 'varchar(125)' or 'varchar(256)' instead of 'text'. If it is then you'll need to edit the table or drop and re-create it.

tamarteleco 18 Dec, 2009
The buttons back and submit work now.
I think I downloaded the last version a week ago. But it has this bug. So may be the plugin should be updated for future releases?
GreyHead 20 Dec, 2009
Hi Tamartelco,

I used not to be able to update the download version. Maybe I can add a folder for plugins, at present fixes get posted in the forums but wait to Max's next release to get into the main download package.

tazma0666 13 Sep, 2010
Hello, first, sorry for my English.

I created a form and works perfectly, but when I add a confirmation page and click send, it seems that everything is fine, but do not get the data to the email account you have configured.

GreyHead 13 Sep, 2010
Hi tazma0666,

Please see if the updated version in this post fixes the problem for you.

tazma0666 13 Sep, 2010
Hello i try to change the file in my ftp, but dont work. Thanks
cwalker3 19 Nov, 2010
Am I suppose to upload the new plugins through my joomla admin page or unzip the file and replace the code?

After I do that how to I properly configure the confirmation page? I am confused about what I should be putting in the page code box.

GreyHead 19 Nov, 2010
Hi cwalker3,

Which version of ChronoForms are you using? I think Max made some change to the plug-ins in the latest release and the new files may not be needed.

cwalker3 19 Nov, 2010
I am using chorno contact v 3.2
GreyHead 19 Nov, 2010
Hi cwalker3,

OK - I'll take a look at the plug-ins in v 3.2 over the weekend.

cwalker3 19 Nov, 2010
So that is not the latest version? Do you suggest I just install the last version or try to fix the one I have now? It is possible that I am not configuring the plug in correctly. I am confused about what I am suppose to put in the code box. The box I have has information already filled out.
GreyHead 19 Nov, 2010
Hi cwalker3,

3.2 is the latest version. Max said that he had made some changes - I haven't seen what they are.

cwalker3 19 Nov, 2010
Prehaps I am doing something wrong on my end. On the confirmation page code, should I change anything or leave it as is? I selected yes to disable wysywyg, yes to show buttons and left the submit value buttons as is. I did not change anything in the confirmation page code box.
cwalker3 23 Nov, 2010
Has anyone found out if the confirmation problems were corrected in the lastest version 3.2? The confirmation page is not working at all.
GreyHead 24 Nov, 2010
Hi cwalker3,

I just tested the Confirmation page plug-in with a very simple form on 3.2.

It seems to work OK up to the point where I submit the Confirmation page. Then I get a Fatal Error

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 639 bytes) in R:\xampp\htdocs\joomla1.5j\libraries\joomla\database\database\mysql.php on line 462

No idea why this should be - the form just has one text input. When I have a moment I'll go dig in the code.

I didn't get far enough to see if the email problem ahs been fixed :-(

cwalker3 24 Nov, 2010
Thanks, Please let me know when you find out what I need to do.
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