
add check boxes and send emails .

amby 07 Jul, 2009
Hi All ,

We are planning to build a Joomla bloodline website where we would have a table with fields like NAME,BLOODGRP,CITY,CONTACT,EMAIL.

The user will enter search terms say AB+ and city as Mumbai .
All the results should be displayed in a table/list format with checkboxes in front of all rows displayed .

The user will select chkboxes and say hit on a button 'send email' and an email will be sent to those selected rows .

Is this Possible ? Am i looking for it at thr right place ?

Please advise .

Regards ,
Ambar .
GreyHead 08 Jul, 2009
Hi amby,

Not quite sure what the question is but yes, you can do this with ChronoForms + ChronoConnectivity.

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