
Validation and Onsubmit

nokki00 07 Jul, 2009
First, I would like to thank the developers for putting in their time to make this extension. I am a designer and no very little about coding. So hats off to the developers.

1 of 2 - I have the free version and just starting out using this extension. I have read the documentation but have some issues with using it. As a test I hit submit with any information but get a message that states "You must provide at least one recipient e-mail address." which is expected but what's not expected is getting "Thank you for contacting us at business name, we have received your message and we will get back to you ASAP!" on the same page. Did I mess something with the default setup of this extension? Why would the validation error and Onsubmit statement come up on the same page?

2 of 2 - I wanted to see how the "Javascript Live Validation" work because I would rather use that instead but can't get it to work.
My settings...
Enable Validation Yes.
Validation Library - mootools
Run Validation onlyOnBlur - yes
required (not blank) - name
validate-email (a valid email address) - email

I can't get that to work for me. I know it's probably something simple but any help would be appreciated.


Also Any advance tutorials on your extension would be greatly appreciated as well, I am looking to buy but trying to get it work for me first.
GreyHead 08 Jul, 2009
Hi noki00,

It's close to impossible to diagnose what's happening without at least a link to the form :-(

GreyHead 09 Jul, 2009
Hi nokki00,

There are several things going on here.

Validation doens't work because you have JQuery loading, probably from your template. The JQuery library conflicts with the MooTools library used by Joomla and by ChronoForms. There are instructions in the forms here on how to modify JQuery to remove the conflict.

If you view the form here withou the template you will find that validation works.

I suspect that you are seeing the two errors because Max has put some server-side validation in the test form. If you have the client-side validation working - see the link above - then this doesn't seem to happen.

nokki00 09 Jul, 2009
Thanks I will look for the post.
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