
email not enabling

jscheving 06 Jul, 2009
I have added all the elements To; Subject; From Name; From Email and I still can't enable email.
GreyHead 06 Jul, 2009
Hi jsceving,

They all need to go in the *same* red box, not each in it's own box.

jylane 20 Jul, 2009

I have added all the elements To; Subject; From Name; From Email and I still can't enable email.

I have the exact same issue and all of mine are in the same red box....the enable won't let me change it from no.
GreyHead 20 Jul, 2009
Hi jylane,

Please post a screen-shot of the Email Setup

Henrik 20 Jul, 2009
Any ideas? The fields are greyed out...

Greetings, Henrik
Henrik 20 Jul, 2009
I added the From Name and From E-Mail... and it did the trick. Henrik
needshelp 21 Jul, 2009
I love the new 1.5 system, it's amazing thanks chronoengine, GreyHead and maxpayne, i'm not use to this system so I'm not sure if this setup is correct. I'm not getting any email results. What am I doing wrong?
GreyHead 21 Jul, 2009
Hi needshelp,

That looks OK - please PM me a copy that is readable.


PS @Henrik: I could have sworn that I'd replied to your post, maybe I never clicked submit. Sorry.
GreyHead 18 Aug, 2009
Hi needshelp,

Got your PMs thank you. Everything there looks OK. Do you get an Email sent message if you turn Debug on in the Form General Tab and then submit it? If so I'd guess that there is a spam filter somewhere that is dropping your emails - most likely because the domain of the From Email doesn't match the domain of the development site.

needshelp 18 Aug, 2009
Thanks for the help GreyHead.

I changed the from email domains to reflect the development domain, and tested and still did not get any emails. I'm PMing you the Debug Results.
subhramani 13 Sep, 2009
I have managed to enable the email. But the mail doesnt come through after the form is submitted. Any suggestions? All other mails from my website comes through fine. Only the email results doesnt work 😟
GreyHead 13 Sep, 2009
Hi subhramani,

Please turn on debug and paste here a screenshot of the debug info after you submit the form. Possibly also one of the Email Setup.

equiroga 22 Sep, 2009
Yo tengo el mismo problema
email not enabling

No me llega ningun formulario al correo electrónico


¿Que debo hacer?

ravin 22 Sep, 2009
What I'm going wrong?
needshelp 22 Sep, 2009
eduardo de chile, puedes poner una photo de tu screen. Una antes de entrar al la forma, ey otra en la forma. Gracias.
GreyHead 22 Sep, 2009
Hi there,

@ravin: You must have at least 'To', 'Subject', From Name' and 'From Email' to enable the Setup (or the Dynamic equivalent).

@ Eduardo: please post a screen shot of your email setup.

equiroga 22 Sep, 2009
Pantallas del Problema

No me llegan los formularios, por lo que lei en los tutoriales puede ser por esta causa.

Desde ya muchas gracias por la ayuda.

Eduardo de Chile
needshelp 22 Sep, 2009
en la primera foto, necesitas poner une "From Email" ey al lado derecho en lo greys adonde dice "enable" pon "yes"
equiroga 22 Sep, 2009
Gracias me ha funcionado

Pero tengo otro problema -- Con la subida de datos

Me sale siempre

Sorry Your uploaded file size is less than the allowed limit

Verifique la informacion del Php en Joomla soporta 10 megas y esta en on la subida de archivos.

Nuevamente muchas gracias por su ayuda, envio las fotos de mi configuracion
GreyHead 22 Sep, 2009
Hi equiroga,

Lo sentimos, su tamaño de archivo cargado es menor que el límite permitido

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