
RC 5.2 error ? Or my error ?! (Dataview fields)

Mizpah 06 Jul, 2009
Hi Guys, Am wondering if I am missing somthing, or if I have stumbled upon a small buggette!

I have a simple form, containing car details, the works, and submits to database with no issues.

When I add my form fields to the DataView tab for browsing via table view I get the following error:

'Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$model in C:\wamp\www\cse\administrator\components\com_chronocontact\admin.chronocontact.html.php on line 2790'

where '$model' = my fieldname

This is true for all manually added form data fields.

If I use system generated fields, such as uid recordtime or cf_id, they appear in the data view with no issue!

Am I missing somthing, perhaps some property I need to add ?
GreyHead 06 Jul, 2009
Hi Mizpah,

What are the field names you are trying to add? I'm not aware of any problems with this but it's not a frequently used feature.

Max_admin 06 Jul, 2009
Hi Mizpah,

Are you sure that you have a field called "model" in the record view ? show me a screen shot for the record vie with the model field ha some data and the DV view fields field in the form edit page!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Mizpah 06 Jul, 2009

Apologies, I traced my steps again, and despite checking for the existance of the table, and checking that it incremented by one whenever a form is submitted, it seems that I forgot to check that I had created every column when linking to the form!


I can now confirm that the data view fields function does actually work fine!
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