Hi Guys, Am wondering if I am missing somthing, or if I have stumbled upon a small buggette!
I have a simple form, containing car details, the works, and submits to database with no issues.
When I add my form fields to the DataView tab for browsing via table view I get the following error:
'Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$model in C:\wamp\www\cse\administrator\components\com_chronocontact\admin.chronocontact.html.php on line 2790'
where '$model' = my fieldname
This is true for all manually added form data fields.
If I use system generated fields, such as uid recordtime or cf_id, they appear in the data view with no issue!
Am I missing somthing, perhaps some property I need to add ?
I have a simple form, containing car details, the works, and submits to database with no issues.
When I add my form fields to the DataView tab for browsing via table view I get the following error:
'Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$model in C:\wamp\www\cse\administrator\components\com_chronocontact\admin.chronocontact.html.php on line 2790'
where '$model' = my fieldname
This is true for all manually added form data fields.
If I use system generated fields, such as uid recordtime or cf_id, they appear in the data view with no issue!
Am I missing somthing, perhaps some property I need to add ?