
send the current url/link

webrp 05 Jul, 2009

I am using the same form for 10 different articles. I need the form to be sent containing some field wich has the article name or the url. I suspect sending the current url would be easier, and for me is enough because I can identify article with the url.

Some guy here know how can I do this?
GreyHead 06 Jul, 2009
Hi webrp,

I think you will find the answer if you search here on ItemID.

webrp 06 Jul, 2009
huim... I did try to search both in forum and google, no success. Could not find any information about that...
Max_admin 06 Jul, 2009
Hi, put a hidden field in your form code and get its value in the email template, the hidden field code should have the value:

<?php echo $MyForm->selfURL(); ?>

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
webrp 06 Jul, 2009
thats it! thank you
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