
I think I have to start all over but want to ask first.....

pmsquillace 05 Jul, 2009
hello All:

I built a sort of a job website where I have registered users in one table I made and then a job seekers resume form in another table I made.

The issue is that I need to figure a way to connect these two tables like what reg. user information will go to what resume information.

Is this something I can do after the fact now or would I need to start all over again?

Thanks for any help or advice on this,

pmsquillace 05 Jul, 2009
ok, after searching around the forums here,

I found that I can do this with the Profile Plugin with the Chronoforms but I need some help understanding what to do here.

So I created a field on an existing form to pull THAT USERS name from my user table into this form:
<div class="form_item">
      <div class="form_element cf_textbox">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px;">Full Name</label>
    <input class="cf_inputbox" maxlength="150" size="30" title="full_name" id="name" name="full_name" type="text" /></div>

Not sure that is all I need to do there but hopefully someone can help.

THEN - I went to the Profile Plug in Config and filled those out as the tooptips calls for them.

I get lost as to what to put in the 'Request' parameter name and the Default Request Parameter value

The ToolTip says to add a url parameter with an ID but, where do I get this ID? when I pull up my form all I get is this at the end of the URL - ndex.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=contractor_resume_form

Thanks for any help on this as I am stuck on something... again. LOL

pmsquillace 05 Jul, 2009
ok, back again.


It seems if I put {name} on that form page it will populate with who is logged in at the time, however, I need it to populate a form field in order to get it into that forms db.

What does the div in the html look like in order to populate the form field?

Thanks for any help on this,

pmsquillace 05 Jul, 2009
[attachment=1]resume_db.jpg[/attachment]Ok I got it....WHoooot!.. LOL

I think max you need to post a forum for people to just type things out so they take it step by step and they will figure it for them selves. LOL

One little issue not sure if anyone here would be able to help on this,

In the DB I am saving too -

It does not show the entry but if I look at the details it does...


Is this a bug or did I not set it up right in the HTML code part?

Thanks for any help on this,

nml375 05 Jul, 2009
Hi Paul,
Regarding your last issue, it seems you used different case in contractor in the dataview fields setup and the database table setup. IE, you're storing the data in "Contractor", but try to list "contractor".

pmsquillace 06 Jul, 2009
Whoot! ok, only took me all day to get this part of the website finished. lOL

Thanks fred for the help on that one,

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